2012 has been a good year for my family. I can't say it has been a bad year, much has happened to keep us busy and happy.
The year started with our son-in-law having surgery that was not successful. He did have the same surgery later, and it was successful. Most of the year, he suffered from results of the surgery. In August, another surgery was performed that seems to have taken care of most of his heart problems. We are so thankful to have good doctors who are willing to correct others mistakes.
The grandchildren have grown older. It doesn't seem like we should have a teenage granddaughter who is driving. Our oldest grandson entered middle school this year. It's sad not to have one that will crawl up in our laps, but that is the way we want it. We wouldn't want them to stay the same as they were. We want them to grow and learn to live in this world.
My husband has enjoyed fishing. This year he caught a 40 pound catfish. That was one big fish! Then a couple of days later, our oldest grandson caught a catfish weighing over nine pounds. I don't know whether Granddaddy or Chet was the happiest. That made both of their summers.
This year I published my first book. It has surprised me with the sales. Our publishing company, Mantle Rock Publishing has published three books this year. One fiction and two non-fiction were published. I can say I'm glad the first publishing is over. It was a learning experience.
2012 has been good. My health has improved because of a little pill called Vitamin B17. Thanks to Sandi Rog for encouraging me to take it. It has been a big help for my diverticulitis.
What does 2013 look like? Hopefully more books! Right now I am working on two. The next in the Melungeon Series should release this winter. I'm also working on one about the Georgia coast. I'm going to be doing a non-fiction about the church we attend. It will be a history of the church for the last 125 years. We will celebrate the church's anniversary in September. I'm anxious to start working on it. I've been doing research for the last in the Melungeon Series, and I'm anxious to start it.
We are also searching for authors who will be willing to take a leap of faith with us and our publishing company. Right now we are interested in Christian fiction. I'm willing to look any book that has a Christian element.
My prayer for you is a safe and happy New Year. 2013 can rock if we want it to.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
My newest favorite book by DiAnn Mills is The Chase. This is the first in a series of FBI books, and the suspense is riveting. Most of you know I am a big fan of DiAnn's. I've read most of her books, and I'm so glad she is writing suspense.
This book is a little different. There is not a strong romantic element. There is a feeling of maybe a romance, but not a happy ever after. There seems to be more books with the main characters solving crimes. I had a hard time putting this book down, and I didn't want it to end.
The two genres I love are historical and suspense. The suspense in this book made me want to keep reading and helping to solve the problems of Houston. Here is the blurb on Amazon and a picture. I highly recommend this book.
To the FBI it's a cold case. To Kariss Walker it's a hot idea that could either reshape or ruin her writing career. And it's a burning mission to revisit an event she can never forget. Five years ago, an unidentified little girl was found starved to death in the woods behind a Houston apartment complex. A TV news anchor at the time, Kariss reported on the terrifying case. Today, as a New York Times bestselling author, Kariss intends to turn the unsolved mystery into a suspense novel. Enlisting the help of FBI Special Agent Tigo Harris, Kariss succeeds in getting the case reopened. But the search for the dead girl's missing mother yields a discovery that plunges the partners into a witch's brew of danger. The old crime lives on in more ways than either of them could ever imagine. Will Kariss's pursuit of her dream as a writer carry a deadly price tag? Drawing from a real-life cold case, bestselling novelist DiAnn Mills presents a taut collage of suspense, faith, and romance in The Chase.
This book is a little different. There is not a strong romantic element. There is a feeling of maybe a romance, but not a happy ever after. There seems to be more books with the main characters solving crimes. I had a hard time putting this book down, and I didn't want it to end.
The two genres I love are historical and suspense. The suspense in this book made me want to keep reading and helping to solve the problems of Houston. Here is the blurb on Amazon and a picture. I highly recommend this book.
To the FBI it's a cold case. To Kariss Walker it's a hot idea that could either reshape or ruin her writing career. And it's a burning mission to revisit an event she can never forget. Five years ago, an unidentified little girl was found starved to death in the woods behind a Houston apartment complex. A TV news anchor at the time, Kariss reported on the terrifying case. Today, as a New York Times bestselling author, Kariss intends to turn the unsolved mystery into a suspense novel. Enlisting the help of FBI Special Agent Tigo Harris, Kariss succeeds in getting the case reopened. But the search for the dead girl's missing mother yields a discovery that plunges the partners into a witch's brew of danger. The old crime lives on in more ways than either of them could ever imagine. Will Kariss's pursuit of her dream as a writer carry a deadly price tag? Drawing from a real-life cold case, bestselling novelist DiAnn Mills presents a taut collage of suspense, faith, and romance in The Chase.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
What makes up Christian Fiction? This is a question I have been dealing with for the last few days. I have read several books recently that I feel err from the word "Christian." Where do we are readers and writers draw the line?
For me, the manuscript should be Christ centered. To be Christ centered, it should be devoid of curse words or cussing as we call it in the South. The language should be something you would not be embarrassed for Christ to read it. God's name would not be used in vain in any slang or direct words.
The scenes should be decent without detail for sexual scenes, or anything that would discredit God. Explicit scenes of sex or nudity should be avoided. Oh, yes, I've been told this is life, and I'm a little too strict and straight-laced. Maybe I am, but that is the way I was taught from childhood.
Does using God's name in vain, sex, nudity, or cursing do anything for your book? Does it make it more interesting? I don't think so. The same thing can be said without using these words or scenes. To me it is degrading for the author to write something that borders on trash.
When I pick up a book, I want to be entertained, informed, and enlightened. I don't want to be shocked by the language and scenes. I see enough of this on television, even the evening news. I want to read something that will make me a better person. Not make me feel dirty for reading something so sordid.
Writers, think about the people you are writing for. Are you writing to encourage others? Are your writing to glorify God? I pray we all write clean books that will please God.
For me, the manuscript should be Christ centered. To be Christ centered, it should be devoid of curse words or cussing as we call it in the South. The language should be something you would not be embarrassed for Christ to read it. God's name would not be used in vain in any slang or direct words.
The scenes should be decent without detail for sexual scenes, or anything that would discredit God. Explicit scenes of sex or nudity should be avoided. Oh, yes, I've been told this is life, and I'm a little too strict and straight-laced. Maybe I am, but that is the way I was taught from childhood.
Does using God's name in vain, sex, nudity, or cursing do anything for your book? Does it make it more interesting? I don't think so. The same thing can be said without using these words or scenes. To me it is degrading for the author to write something that borders on trash.
When I pick up a book, I want to be entertained, informed, and enlightened. I don't want to be shocked by the language and scenes. I see enough of this on television, even the evening news. I want to read something that will make me a better person. Not make me feel dirty for reading something so sordid.
Writers, think about the people you are writing for. Are you writing to encourage others? Are your writing to glorify God? I pray we all write clean books that will please God.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Our family Christmas will be tomorrow. It doesn't bother me to have it early. The children love it. They get their presents early. I can even start taking the tree down earlier. The most important part is family. Our family will be together tomorrow. That is the most important part.
As usual, we will be having our traditional breakfast. We started this several years ago and everyone seems to enjoy it. We have country ham, biscuits, gravy, eggs, and all the trimmings. It seems we enjoy the breakfast more than we enjoy a lunch or dinner.
I will not be back on the blog until after Christmas. I wish you and your family the best Holiday ever!
As usual, we will be having our traditional breakfast. We started this several years ago and everyone seems to enjoy it. We have country ham, biscuits, gravy, eggs, and all the trimmings. It seems we enjoy the breakfast more than we enjoy a lunch or dinner.
I will not be back on the blog until after Christmas. I wish you and your family the best Holiday ever!
Monday, December 17, 2012
No, I'm not going to sing, or tell you what I am getting for Christmas. Honestly, I want to be with my family, and I don't need anything else but that. I want a healthy and happy Christmas. No frills, no gimmicks, just a good day with family.
I was surfing Amazon Friday and found a new book by Christine Lynxwiler. It is only on ebook, and the cost was cheap, so I clicked and brought it to my Kindle. I've known Christine for a long time and love her writing. She has a witty style, and this book was no exception.
I laughed and I cried when I read the book. Yes, I shed tears, and you will too if you are very emotional. It seems Penny is a "in control woman." Her Christmas is planned, and she doesn't want anyone to upset it, but her husband does when he tells her they are taking a road trip in a RV. Get the picture? She and their two materialistic children are so upset that their plans have been changed, but what happens on the trip is a change in all their lives. It's such a good feeling book. I'm so glad Christine wrote it. Here's what the Amazon blurb says.
2005 American Christian Fiction Writers' Book of the Year - Novella Category --- Skipping Christmas meets RV in this funny, heartwarming novella. Penny Lassiter has a comfortable holiday routine with her family and friends--until her husband gets laid off from work and seemingly undergoes a personality transplant. When he comes home with a travel atlas and the keys to a borrowed RV, he turns her cookie-cutter Christmas plans into perfect chaos. She has no choice but to buckle herself and the kids in for a crazy cross-country ride that defies all of her expectations and redefines her priorities in a way she has never imagined.
SHORT EXCERPT: "I gritted my teeth and shifted the cardboard box against the spindly pull-down attic ladder. Whoever invented these contraptions obviously hadn’t considered that people would be going up and down the narrow steps with their arms full.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wanted to let you know that Susan Page Davis' book is the giveaway today on Spy Glass Lane Mysteries. Be sure to enter.
Have a great week-end.
Have a great week-end.
Friday, December 14, 2012
On the
first day of Christmas my true love gave to me--a Spyglass cozy mystery!
Hello, from Susan Page Davis.
Spyglass Lane is giving away 12 cozy
mysteries in their Christian mystery e-book line, including one of the Mainely
Mysteries series I wrote with my daughter Megan.
I’ve loved cozy mysteries since I was
a child, and one of my favorite series then was Trixie Belden. Trixie’s
adventures wowed me then, and I read them all. Later, I rediscovered them in
reprints—and several new titles that had been added by the publisher—and read
them to my children. There are 39 books total. Of course, some stand out in my
memory. I love horses, so ones where Trixie and her friend Honey do a lot of
riding were among my favorites.
The first Trixie book that was set at
Christmas time was Mystery in Arizona, the
sixth in the series. Trixie and her friend Honey, along with their brothers and
their friend Diana, got to spend the holidays at Diana’s uncle’s ranch in
Arizona. Wow! Growing up in Maine, it was hard for me to imagine either taking
a trip like that or having an uncle rich enough and generous enough to finance
Poor Trixie, that sandy-haired kid
from Sleepyside, N.Y., had to study hard during vacation, as her grades had
slipped. But she still managed to help out with chores on the ranch, learn
about a new-to-her culture, and solve a mystery.
I loved learning with the kids in the
book about the Mexican Christmas customs. I had never been outside Maine the
first time I read this book, and to me, Arizona might as well have been on
another planet. As an adult, I’ve visited that gorgeous state a couple of
times, and finally was able to see the beauty that Trixie saw.
If you’d like to enter the contest to
win a free e-book cozy mystery, follow the instructions below. You can also
enter my drawing for traditional printed books and e-books on my website at: www.susanpagedavis.com. At the end of each month, I draw
several winners who can choose their prize from among all my book titles. Use
the painless contest form on the left side of my home page for that drawing.
For the 12-day Spyglass Lane contest:
’Tis the season for a great whodunnit!
you love cozies as much as we do, then you’re in for a holiday treat! From
December 12 – 23, we’re giving away one cozy mystery EVERY DAY!
light the fireplace and grab a cup of hot cocoa, because you just may have a
free cozy mystery coming your way!
are two ways to enter:
Tweet about
Spyglass Lane mysteries. Simply Tweet about the giveaway or one of your
favorite Spyglass Lane Mysteries or authors and include the
#12CoziesofChristmas hashtag along with thewww.spyglasslanemysteries.com link. You may Tweet as many times as you want each
day! Only Tweets sent out the day of the giveaway will be considered for that
day’s drawing.
Follow us on the Spyglass Lane blog, Twitter @SpyglassMystery or Facebook for the latest info on the 12 Cozies of Christmas
giveaway! Each day, we’ll reveal which Spyglass Lane cozy mystery we’ll be
giving away.
Each day, we
will reveal which Spyglass Lane mystery will be given away that day
A “giveaway
day” runs from 12AM EST to 11:59PM EST.
There will be
one winner per day
Winners will be
announced the following morning
A Pinboard (see
rules above) counts as one entry each day of the giveaway. Tweets (see rules
above) only apply to the day in which they were originally Tweeted. For
example, if you send 10 Tweets on Thursday the 13th, you will be entered 10
times in that day’s drawing. But those Tweets will not apply to the next
day’s drawing.
Winners will be
chosen via Randomizer.org, with Tweets and Pinboards each assigned a unique
Winners will be
announced via our blog, Twitter @SpyglassMystery or Facebook. Winners will be contacted via email or social
media. If a winner does not hear from Spyglass Lane, they may contact us at
SpyglassLaneMysteries (at) gmail (dot) com.
Winners will
receive their prize in the form of a Smashwords coupon that they can redeem
at Smashwords.com. Smashwords accommodates all ereader devices, though it may
require the device to be directly connected to a computer for proper
The same person
may win more than once!
There is no
entry limit
are expected to play nice! Inappropriate behavior (including but not limited
to foul language, bullying, trolling, arguing) will not be tolerated and
Spyglass Lane reserves the right to exclude such people from these and future
![]() |
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I thought this might grab some of you. We all like FREE don't we?
Spyglasslanemysteries.com is giving away 12 books free. Each day one author will be interviewed on blogs and their book be given away. You have to Tweet #12coziesofChristmas to be entered in the drawing. I will have Susan Page Davis on my blog tomorrow. Her book will be drawn Saturday.
Most of you know, if you are old to this blog, Susan is a neighbor of mine, lives in a couple of towns over. We have a wonderful relationship, and she has been an inspiration to me. She's a good author. In fact, she is one of my husband's favorite. She's also one of my favorite. I'm reading one of her books now on Kindle. I will be so happy for you to learn more about her tomorrow.
So, how is Christmas going? Mine is slow. Shopping is finished, hubby is sick, and I finished the last publication for Mantle Rock Publishing for this year. I'm ready to relax, put up the tree and start cooking. Our family will gather on the 22nd for our Christmas. Everyone has family in other places, so we have to give and take. I'm looking forward to having the family here together for a day.
Ther latest additions to our family arrived yesterday. Two precious twin girls. Marlin and Marin Meadows. They live in Texas, and we won't be able to see them for a while, but there will be some quality holding when we do, They are granddaughters of my husband's niece, Lisa. We visited her in the spring and fell in love with her lovely family.
The most wonderful thing about these babies is that I feel I've know them for months. Their mother, Diana, has kept us all up to date via Facebook. We watched these precious little girls grow and develop their own personalities. Thanks, Diana and Thad for letting us be a part of your families development. We have to say a big thanks to big sister, Bert, and big brother, Jack. We fell in love with this family in the spring.
Got to get busy. Much to do today. Have a wonderful day and enjoy God's blessings.
Spyglasslanemysteries.com is giving away 12 books free. Each day one author will be interviewed on blogs and their book be given away. You have to Tweet #12coziesofChristmas to be entered in the drawing. I will have Susan Page Davis on my blog tomorrow. Her book will be drawn Saturday.
Most of you know, if you are old to this blog, Susan is a neighbor of mine, lives in a couple of towns over. We have a wonderful relationship, and she has been an inspiration to me. She's a good author. In fact, she is one of my husband's favorite. She's also one of my favorite. I'm reading one of her books now on Kindle. I will be so happy for you to learn more about her tomorrow.
So, how is Christmas going? Mine is slow. Shopping is finished, hubby is sick, and I finished the last publication for Mantle Rock Publishing for this year. I'm ready to relax, put up the tree and start cooking. Our family will gather on the 22nd for our Christmas. Everyone has family in other places, so we have to give and take. I'm looking forward to having the family here together for a day.
Ther latest additions to our family arrived yesterday. Two precious twin girls. Marlin and Marin Meadows. They live in Texas, and we won't be able to see them for a while, but there will be some quality holding when we do, They are granddaughters of my husband's niece, Lisa. We visited her in the spring and fell in love with her lovely family.
The most wonderful thing about these babies is that I feel I've know them for months. Their mother, Diana, has kept us all up to date via Facebook. We watched these precious little girls grow and develop their own personalities. Thanks, Diana and Thad for letting us be a part of your families development. We have to say a big thanks to big sister, Bert, and big brother, Jack. We fell in love with this family in the spring.
Got to get busy. Much to do today. Have a wonderful day and enjoy God's blessings.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Independent Publishing
Yesterday I was not able to make it to church. I was in a lot of pain and on pain medication, really no one needs to see me in that state of mind. Anyway, I was surfing the tv channels when I happened on some Sunday Morning Show where they were talking about self-publishing. That perked me right up.
The interviewer was telling about some famous authors who had self-published. Some of them I read myself, like John Grisham. I had no idea he has self-published. Then they interviewed a NY editor with one of the large printing houses. I don't remember which one, but she had some timely advice.
This editor said more people were self-publishing. One of her reasons was because they had a book that other publishing houses would not publish. (I can identify with that.) Another reason was time. A self-published author can get their book out in a fraction of the time that a published author would have. In 24 hours, your book can be on Amazon in a ebook edition. In 48-72 hours, it can be in a printed edition. That's fast.
If you publish with a publishing house, it can take months, if not years. That's a long time. From the time an author signs with a company until their book is published can be years. Now we are finding so many publishing houses have signed too many authors and they are having difficulty publishing the books.
With a small publishing company, or publishing your own book, you do not have that problem. You have money coming in faster, and your book is out to the public quicker. Even when your self-publish, your book can be sold at the major book stores. Be sure to sign up for that program when you publish your book.
One disclaimer I would like to mention is that not everyone who writes a book should have it published. I have found several self-published authors who either do not have a good story, or have not had the story edited. This is not good for the author. Each author should make sure they have a good book. One that has good content and is enjoyable to read. Ask friends to read it and give you an honest opinion. A real friend will tell you whether they like the book or not.
The downside about self-publishing is marketing. I find it is harder for me to market my book myself. I've heard about platform for years, and now I understand it. You have to have a following. Not someone who signs up for your blog, but only comes on a few times a year. You need someone who is reading your blog all the time. Someone who likes what they read and tells others. Someone who will be a reliable friend to help you market your book with blogs, interviews, and talking about your book.
I feel self-publishing and ebooks are the future. I may be wrong and I've heard others say ebooks will fall by the wayside. They won't. It's so easy to take 100 books with you on your Kindle or Nook. When I travel, I take my Kindle. I have my Bible downloaded plus fiction and non-fiction books that I want to read. I don't have to fill my suitcase with several copies of books and hope I don't read them before I get home.
The interviewer was telling about some famous authors who had self-published. Some of them I read myself, like John Grisham. I had no idea he has self-published. Then they interviewed a NY editor with one of the large printing houses. I don't remember which one, but she had some timely advice.
This editor said more people were self-publishing. One of her reasons was because they had a book that other publishing houses would not publish. (I can identify with that.) Another reason was time. A self-published author can get their book out in a fraction of the time that a published author would have. In 24 hours, your book can be on Amazon in a ebook edition. In 48-72 hours, it can be in a printed edition. That's fast.
If you publish with a publishing house, it can take months, if not years. That's a long time. From the time an author signs with a company until their book is published can be years. Now we are finding so many publishing houses have signed too many authors and they are having difficulty publishing the books.
With a small publishing company, or publishing your own book, you do not have that problem. You have money coming in faster, and your book is out to the public quicker. Even when your self-publish, your book can be sold at the major book stores. Be sure to sign up for that program when you publish your book.
One disclaimer I would like to mention is that not everyone who writes a book should have it published. I have found several self-published authors who either do not have a good story, or have not had the story edited. This is not good for the author. Each author should make sure they have a good book. One that has good content and is enjoyable to read. Ask friends to read it and give you an honest opinion. A real friend will tell you whether they like the book or not.
The downside about self-publishing is marketing. I find it is harder for me to market my book myself. I've heard about platform for years, and now I understand it. You have to have a following. Not someone who signs up for your blog, but only comes on a few times a year. You need someone who is reading your blog all the time. Someone who likes what they read and tells others. Someone who will be a reliable friend to help you market your book with blogs, interviews, and talking about your book.
I feel self-publishing and ebooks are the future. I may be wrong and I've heard others say ebooks will fall by the wayside. They won't. It's so easy to take 100 books with you on your Kindle or Nook. When I travel, I take my Kindle. I have my Bible downloaded plus fiction and non-fiction books that I want to read. I don't have to fill my suitcase with several copies of books and hope I don't read them before I get home.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Mantle Rock Publishing is proud to announce another devotional book by Cheri Swalwell. A 40 Day Habit Between Friends Because They Need Us will be released Monday on Amazon. The print book will be released later next week.
Cheri does a wonderful job with her devotionals. I have been impressed with the ease of her writing. This old woman has learned a lot from her. Her devotionals leave you with something to think about. Not all devotionals do that.
Cheri lives in Michigan and is married with three children. She has her plate full with family and writing. Besides that, she has two part-time at home jobs. I'm impressed with her organizational skills. One job is enough for me, and she juggles two plus writing.
Cheri's first devotional, A 40 Day Habit Between Friends Taking It To The Next Level, has been out for a couple of weeks now. After reading her devotionals, I have made some changes in my life. I no longer juggle studying the scripture whenever I can find time. I now get up earlier than usual and take thirty to fort-five minutes to have a time with God. This helps me to get my day started.
I've always said we can learn from others, if we try. Sometimes we don't try. Cheri has been a blessing to me in that way.
Go to Amazon to purchase her first book. The second should be on there by Monday. Thanks Cheri for working with me. I pray your books are a big success.
Cheri does a wonderful job with her devotionals. I have been impressed with the ease of her writing. This old woman has learned a lot from her. Her devotionals leave you with something to think about. Not all devotionals do that.
Cheri lives in Michigan and is married with three children. She has her plate full with family and writing. Besides that, she has two part-time at home jobs. I'm impressed with her organizational skills. One job is enough for me, and she juggles two plus writing.
Cheri's first devotional, A 40 Day Habit Between Friends Taking It To The Next Level, has been out for a couple of weeks now. After reading her devotionals, I have made some changes in my life. I no longer juggle studying the scripture whenever I can find time. I now get up earlier than usual and take thirty to fort-five minutes to have a time with God. This helps me to get my day started.
I've always said we can learn from others, if we try. Sometimes we don't try. Cheri has been a blessing to me in that way.
Go to Amazon to purchase her first book. The second should be on there by Monday. Thanks Cheri for working with me. I pray your books are a big success.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Yes, what do you do when you are in so much pain that you can barely stand it? That's what's happened to me lately. Let me tell you my story.
Last week I had a good booksigning at U-Save Drug Store in Rogersville, TN. Saw some old friends and made new one. Wonderful day! U-Save was our local drug store when we lived in Rogersville. Family owned and friendly. Not only can you get your prescriptions, you can buy gifts. They have a large collection of Precious Moments figurines and other collectibles. I was so thrilled when they let me come and sell my book. It was a wonderful experience.
After the booksigning, we went to Cumberland Falls State Park and Resort for a little rest and relaxation. We have been there several times and always enjoy the falls and the woods. When we arrived, my hip was hurting me so much, I had to rest for the rest of the evening. Thursday we went for a hike at the falls and I felt good walking. Sitting and laying were my problems. How much rest can you get standing and walking? Not much.
We left Friday morning and it was torture riding home. About halfway, we spotted South Union Shaker Village. I had always wanted to go, and I needed to walk, so we toured the Village for about two hours. If you are around Russellville, KY, please stop by and visit the site. The history and the furniture is worth it.
Yesterday I did go to the doctor. I hope to hear from the x-rays soon. I did receive a steroid shot, which I hate to take, but it has relieved the pain some. I am also on pain medication,which is not helping that much. The pain is still there. I have found I can stand at my island in the kitchen and write on the computer. At least that is less pain.
This week I am on www.infinitecharacters.com. Drop by. I'll be giving away an ebook copy of Callie's Mountain. I didn't get on much yesterday, but I'm headed that way now. The owner of the site is talking about independent publishing. Should be interesting. Have a wonderful day.
Last week I had a good booksigning at U-Save Drug Store in Rogersville, TN. Saw some old friends and made new one. Wonderful day! U-Save was our local drug store when we lived in Rogersville. Family owned and friendly. Not only can you get your prescriptions, you can buy gifts. They have a large collection of Precious Moments figurines and other collectibles. I was so thrilled when they let me come and sell my book. It was a wonderful experience.
After the booksigning, we went to Cumberland Falls State Park and Resort for a little rest and relaxation. We have been there several times and always enjoy the falls and the woods. When we arrived, my hip was hurting me so much, I had to rest for the rest of the evening. Thursday we went for a hike at the falls and I felt good walking. Sitting and laying were my problems. How much rest can you get standing and walking? Not much.
We left Friday morning and it was torture riding home. About halfway, we spotted South Union Shaker Village. I had always wanted to go, and I needed to walk, so we toured the Village for about two hours. If you are around Russellville, KY, please stop by and visit the site. The history and the furniture is worth it.
Yesterday I did go to the doctor. I hope to hear from the x-rays soon. I did receive a steroid shot, which I hate to take, but it has relieved the pain some. I am also on pain medication,which is not helping that much. The pain is still there. I have found I can stand at my island in the kitchen and write on the computer. At least that is less pain.
This week I am on www.infinitecharacters.com. Drop by. I'll be giving away an ebook copy of Callie's Mountain. I didn't get on much yesterday, but I'm headed that way now. The owner of the site is talking about independent publishing. Should be interesting. Have a wonderful day.
Monday, November 26, 2012
This is the time of the year we all get busy, but his week will probably be busier for us than any we have had in a while. We did have a good Thanksgiving with our family. Everyone got together Saturday and we had a good time.
Wednesday my book, Callie's Mountain, will be featured on www.clashofthetitles.com. please stop by. This is a good way to advertise my book, and I'm excited to be accepted. Also, on Wednesday, I will be having a booksigning at U-Save Drug Store in Rogersville, TN, from 11-1:00. This is my hometown, and there are tidbits of historic Rogersville in the book. I'm excited to be going there and introducing my book to the town.
Also, this week, Mantle Rock Publishing is launching an ebook and a print book by Cheri Swalwell. It is a devotional called, A 40 Day Habit Between Friends Taking It To The Next Level. The ebook has been out for a couple of weeks, but we have made a few changes in the book. The print book should be out Wednesday or Thursday.
This will be busy, but relaxing. It will be good to see friends we haven't seen in a while, and also a few days of rest and relaxation.
Wednesday my book, Callie's Mountain, will be featured on www.clashofthetitles.com. please stop by. This is a good way to advertise my book, and I'm excited to be accepted. Also, on Wednesday, I will be having a booksigning at U-Save Drug Store in Rogersville, TN, from 11-1:00. This is my hometown, and there are tidbits of historic Rogersville in the book. I'm excited to be going there and introducing my book to the town.
Also, this week, Mantle Rock Publishing is launching an ebook and a print book by Cheri Swalwell. It is a devotional called, A 40 Day Habit Between Friends Taking It To The Next Level. The ebook has been out for a couple of weeks, but we have made a few changes in the book. The print book should be out Wednesday or Thursday.
This will be busy, but relaxing. It will be good to see friends we haven't seen in a while, and also a few days of rest and relaxation.
Friday, November 23, 2012
No, I do not do Black Friday! I did it once and I'll never do it again. I was pushed and shoved, twisted and turned, and came close to a nervous breakdown. I will not put myself in the company of so many rude people over a few dollars.
I wanted to make that statement first. I'll pay extra for what I want instead of losing my sanity. Now Black Friday is starting on Thursday evening. What will they do next? Black Friday will begin the 4th of July! Not for me. I'll do my shopping the old fashioned way.
With that off my chest, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Our children went elsewhere, so we were by ourselves. It was a good morning for cleaning up the house and getting ready for our Thanksgiving on Saturday. Today I have to cook. Not much. Everyone is helping out.
We decided since we did not have to cook, we'd eat out. Never in our almost 50 years of marriage had we done that. One of the restaurants here had a Thanksgiving Day Buffet. We made reservations and trotted down the road to the Majestic Restaurant.
The food was delicious, and we had everything we wanted, even Green Bean Casserole. The Pecan Pie was homemade and delicious. Hubby complained the pie did not have many pecans, but I told him with the cost of pecans these days, be thankful he got one.
I had a piece of wonderful white cake with orange marmalade between the layers and on top. Whipped cream decorated the edge and it was delicious, but I had already eaten so much and I couldn't finish it. Let's be honest. I ate so much I hurt.
Tomorrow, I will not eat that much. I don't think my body can take another day of over-indulgence.
I wanted to make that statement first. I'll pay extra for what I want instead of losing my sanity. Now Black Friday is starting on Thursday evening. What will they do next? Black Friday will begin the 4th of July! Not for me. I'll do my shopping the old fashioned way.
With that off my chest, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Our children went elsewhere, so we were by ourselves. It was a good morning for cleaning up the house and getting ready for our Thanksgiving on Saturday. Today I have to cook. Not much. Everyone is helping out.
We decided since we did not have to cook, we'd eat out. Never in our almost 50 years of marriage had we done that. One of the restaurants here had a Thanksgiving Day Buffet. We made reservations and trotted down the road to the Majestic Restaurant.
The food was delicious, and we had everything we wanted, even Green Bean Casserole. The Pecan Pie was homemade and delicious. Hubby complained the pie did not have many pecans, but I told him with the cost of pecans these days, be thankful he got one.
I had a piece of wonderful white cake with orange marmalade between the layers and on top. Whipped cream decorated the edge and it was delicious, but I had already eaten so much and I couldn't finish it. Let's be honest. I ate so much I hurt.
Tomorrow, I will not eat that much. I don't think my body can take another day of over-indulgence.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
A day we can be thankful for all our blessings.
A new client at Mantle Rock Publishing.
A healthy body and mind.
A loving family.
A lot of wonderful friends.
A God who sent His Son to die for my sins.
A free country to live in.
A good house that doesn't leak and is warm.
A little money in my checking account.
An ability to write and enjoy writing.
A good friend like you!
Friday, November 16, 2012
I'm a little off the writing/publishing subject today. Mostly, because music is so important in our lives. My family is very musical. We all have decent voices and like to sing. My grandfather could pick up any instrument and play it. I don't think he had a music in his life. My cousin teaches piano and flute at Oakland City University in Oakland City, IN.
That is an introduction to what I'm writing about. Last night, our granddaughter, Josie, sang with the First
District Fifth and Sixth Grade and Seventh and Eighth Grade Festival Choir at Murray State University in Murray, KY. There were about 300 fifth through eight graders singing. The last song they all did together. Josie said they would be hanging off the stage, and they were.
I always look at the directors. The two who directed this group were wonderful children choir directors. One was from Norman, Oklahoma, and the other was the Director of Choral Activities at Murray State. They both worked wonders with the children.
The fifth and sixth grade director, Sandy Knudson, made a statement at the end of the program. It has stuck with me all night. This is what she said. "People say children make beautiful music. Really, music makes children beautiful." What a wonderful statement.
I've watched children who sing come out of their shells when music is involved. Josie is in a choir here in our county. It is directed by the Director of Choral Activities at Murray State, Dr. Bradley Almquist. When they gave their concert last spring, Josie went to the front and sang a solo. I was so surprised. She had always been a shy child, but music made her come our of her shell. She has a beautiful voice and loves music.
Help your child to become beautiful with music.
That is an introduction to what I'm writing about. Last night, our granddaughter, Josie, sang with the First
District Fifth and Sixth Grade and Seventh and Eighth Grade Festival Choir at Murray State University in Murray, KY. There were about 300 fifth through eight graders singing. The last song they all did together. Josie said they would be hanging off the stage, and they were.
I always look at the directors. The two who directed this group were wonderful children choir directors. One was from Norman, Oklahoma, and the other was the Director of Choral Activities at Murray State. They both worked wonders with the children.
The fifth and sixth grade director, Sandy Knudson, made a statement at the end of the program. It has stuck with me all night. This is what she said. "People say children make beautiful music. Really, music makes children beautiful." What a wonderful statement.
I've watched children who sing come out of their shells when music is involved. Josie is in a choir here in our county. It is directed by the Director of Choral Activities at Murray State, Dr. Bradley Almquist. When they gave their concert last spring, Josie went to the front and sang a solo. I was so surprised. She had always been a shy child, but music made her come our of her shell. She has a beautiful voice and loves music.
Help your child to become beautiful with music.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Most of you know my friend, Sandi Rog. Yesterday, she put an interview with me up on her blog., SandiRog.blogspot.com. Please stop by and leave a comment to be in the drawing for my book, Callie's Mountain. Sandi is doing so well now, and is beginning to write again.
Today, my day did not start right. First I overslept. I don't usually do that, but I worked late last night, and I had a busy day yesterday. I'm sure my body was so tired, and I needed the extra sleep. I do have so much more energy now, but my body needed to catch up.
The second thing that happened was I spelled coffee on my computer. I use a laptop and a keyboard. The laptop is fine, I grabbed it fast. The keyboard is having a few problems.When I type a "u", a "4" pops up. I'm sure it will be fine when it dries out.
Yesterday we visited Adsmore House in Princeton, KY. It was built in the 1860's and remodeled in 1900. It was decorated for Christmas, but not overpowering. Our guide was wonderful. She told us so many little tidbits of the time. I've been in several grand houses before, but this is by far the nicest. All of the furnishings but two belonged to the family. That made it very personal.
Before we visited Adsmore, we ate lunch at Breezy Hill Farms, about two miles from Princeton on Hwy. 139. My husband and I had been there before, but it was our friends first time. Breeze Hill has a beautiful rustic design, very well decorated, and very good food. Last time I had their Chicken Salad. It has grapes and pecans in it or on it. Delicious! This time I had a Cranberry Club Sandwich. It had mayo and cranberries and was extremely good. The homemade ice cream was delicious. I had White Chocolate Cherry. Yum, yum! Everyone enjoyed their sandwiches and made plans what to eat next time they are there.
I had a wonderful day and soaked up lots of information for books I'm writing. Be sure to stop by Sandi's blog and leave a comment for the drawing.
Today, my day did not start right. First I overslept. I don't usually do that, but I worked late last night, and I had a busy day yesterday. I'm sure my body was so tired, and I needed the extra sleep. I do have so much more energy now, but my body needed to catch up.
The second thing that happened was I spelled coffee on my computer. I use a laptop and a keyboard. The laptop is fine, I grabbed it fast. The keyboard is having a few problems.When I type a "u", a "4" pops up. I'm sure it will be fine when it dries out.
Yesterday we visited Adsmore House in Princeton, KY. It was built in the 1860's and remodeled in 1900. It was decorated for Christmas, but not overpowering. Our guide was wonderful. She told us so many little tidbits of the time. I've been in several grand houses before, but this is by far the nicest. All of the furnishings but two belonged to the family. That made it very personal.
Before we visited Adsmore, we ate lunch at Breezy Hill Farms, about two miles from Princeton on Hwy. 139. My husband and I had been there before, but it was our friends first time. Breeze Hill has a beautiful rustic design, very well decorated, and very good food. Last time I had their Chicken Salad. It has grapes and pecans in it or on it. Delicious! This time I had a Cranberry Club Sandwich. It had mayo and cranberries and was extremely good. The homemade ice cream was delicious. I had White Chocolate Cherry. Yum, yum! Everyone enjoyed their sandwiches and made plans what to eat next time they are there.
I had a wonderful day and soaked up lots of information for books I'm writing. Be sure to stop by Sandi's blog and leave a comment for the drawing.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Everyone of us want our book published yesterday. It can't be done. We all need to slow down and do things correctly. One editor with a large publishing house told me, "Have you book in pristine shape, then send it to me." How many times are we in a hurry to get that book to the publisher? We forget the basic rules for any author. Here are a few.
Have a critique partner, or critique group. If you are writing a fiction, I recommend it as one of the most important things you can do. Find someone who has your interest, knows something about writing, and is willing to put the time in helping you publish your book. You will be helping that person by critiquing their book in exchange. Even non-fiction needs to go by these rules.
When you are sure you have your book in good shape, take the next step and invest in a paid edit by a professional. There are so many out there, and some charge hefty prices. Find one you can afford and work with. To accomplish anything, you have to invest. As my mama said, "Nothing in life is free." A paid editor will find those mistakes you overlooked.
One thing I encourage authors I am publishing with is to invest in AutoCrit. I highly recommend it. It is time consuming but it will help your writing. If you only purchase the $47 a year package, it's worth it. It will show you what words you use that don't need to be there. I overuse "that" and "it". AutoCrit will show you how many to take them out, and that's a big help to me. I don't work for the company, this is just my experience.
Realize when your book goes to the publisher, it takes time for publication. If your manuscript is in good shape, it can be handled quicker. Your publisher knows how long it will take to get a book in print and in ebook. Remember you are not the only fish in the pond. Even a small company, like mine, has other things in the mill. It may be working on their own book or critiquing their partner's book, but they have other things to do.
Work hand in hand with the publisher. Try not to cause any problems. It's not easy for both of you and you are both anxious to see your baby see the light of day. Be patient. It will happen, but it won't be yesterday.
Have a critique partner, or critique group. If you are writing a fiction, I recommend it as one of the most important things you can do. Find someone who has your interest, knows something about writing, and is willing to put the time in helping you publish your book. You will be helping that person by critiquing their book in exchange. Even non-fiction needs to go by these rules.
When you are sure you have your book in good shape, take the next step and invest in a paid edit by a professional. There are so many out there, and some charge hefty prices. Find one you can afford and work with. To accomplish anything, you have to invest. As my mama said, "Nothing in life is free." A paid editor will find those mistakes you overlooked.
One thing I encourage authors I am publishing with is to invest in AutoCrit. I highly recommend it. It is time consuming but it will help your writing. If you only purchase the $47 a year package, it's worth it. It will show you what words you use that don't need to be there. I overuse "that" and "it". AutoCrit will show you how many to take them out, and that's a big help to me. I don't work for the company, this is just my experience.
Realize when your book goes to the publisher, it takes time for publication. If your manuscript is in good shape, it can be handled quicker. Your publisher knows how long it will take to get a book in print and in ebook. Remember you are not the only fish in the pond. Even a small company, like mine, has other things in the mill. It may be working on their own book or critiquing their partner's book, but they have other things to do.
Work hand in hand with the publisher. Try not to cause any problems. It's not easy for both of you and you are both anxious to see your baby see the light of day. Be patient. It will happen, but it won't be yesterday.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Mantle Rock Publishing has signed with Cheri Swalwell to print two devotional books. We are excited to have her on board with us. The books should be out on ebook and paperback by Thanksgiving.
The first book is 40-day Habit: Friend to Friend, Taking It To The Next Level. It is a collection of 40 daily devotionals. They are very enjoyable and have helped me as I edit them. I even cooked my husband's favorite meal last night, minus dessert.
The other book is 40-Day Habit: Friend to Friend, Because They Need You. This is a collection of 40 devotionals for parenting.
I am so excited to have Cheri as member of our family of writers. She is very easy to work with, and I hope you will enjoy her books.
As soon as I have covers made, I will be advertising more about the books. I have really enjoyed reading what she has written.
Things are getting a little hectic around here. I have a day reserved next week to do some research. We will go to Adsmore in Princeton, KY. I've been by this house, built in the early 1900's, but never had an opportunity to tour it. I'm very excited to be able to do that. This is for the book I'm writing about Georgia. I need to look at the furnishings of the time period. It's a lot closer than Georgia.
I love it when things get busy like this. I get a lot more accomplished than when I am not pressed to work. I have much to do today, so I'll get busy. Have a good week-end.
The first book is 40-day Habit: Friend to Friend, Taking It To The Next Level. It is a collection of 40 daily devotionals. They are very enjoyable and have helped me as I edit them. I even cooked my husband's favorite meal last night, minus dessert.
The other book is 40-Day Habit: Friend to Friend, Because They Need You. This is a collection of 40 devotionals for parenting.
I am so excited to have Cheri as member of our family of writers. She is very easy to work with, and I hope you will enjoy her books.
As soon as I have covers made, I will be advertising more about the books. I have really enjoyed reading what she has written.
Things are getting a little hectic around here. I have a day reserved next week to do some research. We will go to Adsmore in Princeton, KY. I've been by this house, built in the early 1900's, but never had an opportunity to tour it. I'm very excited to be able to do that. This is for the book I'm writing about Georgia. I need to look at the furnishings of the time period. It's a lot closer than Georgia.
I love it when things get busy like this. I get a lot more accomplished than when I am not pressed to work. I have much to do today, so I'll get busy. Have a good week-end.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Olivia Aberdeen, destitute widow of a man shot as a traitor to the South, is shunned by proper society and gratefully accepts an invitation from "Aunt" Elizabeth Harding, mistress of Belle Meade Plantation. Expecting to be the Harding's head housekeeper, Olivia is disillusioned when she learns the real reason Elizabeth's husband, Confederate General William Giles Harding, agreed to her coming. Not finding the safe haven she expects, Olivia is caught off guard by her feelings for Ridley Adam Cooper, a Southern man who seems anything but a Southern gentleman.
Branded a traitor by some, Ridley Cooper, a Southern son who chose to fight for the Union, is a man desperate to end the war still raging inside him. Determined to learn "the gift" that Belle Meade's head horse trainer and former slave, Bob Green, possesses, Ridley harbors secrets that threaten both their lives.
As Ridley seeks to make peace within himself for "betraying" the South he loved, Olivia is determined to never be betrayed again.
This is a book to get lost in. The best I have read by Tamera Alexander. It was hard for Union sympathizers after the Civil War, and even harder if your husband was one of them. The brutality of the killing of Olivia's husband is probably true. I'm sure it happened, and that was probably a mild reaction of the people.
Tammy handled the whole subject of prejudice with poise and understanding. The insight into the training of thoroughbred race horses was amazing. We are all informed of the runnings of a mansion the size of Belle Meade. Every character was enchanting and endearing.
I recommend this book highly. Also, you can tour Belle Meade Mansion in Nashville, TN and learn for yourself about the beginnings of horse racing in America. This book is definitely a 5 star.
Branded a traitor by some, Ridley Cooper, a Southern son who chose to fight for the Union, is a man desperate to end the war still raging inside him. Determined to learn "the gift" that Belle Meade's head horse trainer and former slave, Bob Green, possesses, Ridley harbors secrets that threaten both their lives.
As Ridley seeks to make peace within himself for "betraying" the South he loved, Olivia is determined to never be betrayed again.
This is a book to get lost in. The best I have read by Tamera Alexander. It was hard for Union sympathizers after the Civil War, and even harder if your husband was one of them. The brutality of the killing of Olivia's husband is probably true. I'm sure it happened, and that was probably a mild reaction of the people.
Tammy handled the whole subject of prejudice with poise and understanding. The insight into the training of thoroughbred race horses was amazing. We are all informed of the runnings of a mansion the size of Belle Meade. Every character was enchanting and endearing.
I recommend this book highly. Also, you can tour Belle Meade Mansion in Nashville, TN and learn for yourself about the beginnings of horse racing in America. This book is definitely a 5 star.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Tomorrow Kathleen Maher will have me as her guest on her blog, http://kathleenlmaher.blogspot.com/. I'm excited to be her guest. I've known Kathy for a while and that makes the interview more special. Please visit her blog, leave a comment, and be in the drawing for a free copy of Callie's Mountain. That's not a ebook, but a real book.
Last week was a busy week. Book sales have surprised me. Much more than I ever anticipated. I spent most of the last part of the week with family of one of our church members who passed away on Wednesday. With the visitation, funeral, and visiting with the family, it was a hard week. This gracious gentleman will be missed.
This week is not going to be much better. The only good thing is I will be home, but busy. I'm trying to finish editing the rough draft of Susannah's Hope and marketing. I will be having a book signing in Tennessee the last of the month.
Tonight is our annual Senior Banquet at church. I always look forward to that. I hear my grandson is going to be one of the entertainers. I'm anxiously anticipating his performance. This morning two author friends, Susan Page Davis and Vicky McDonough, came for donuts and coffee. I think Vicky wants all of my antiques. We had so much fun.
Tomorrow is Election Day. Please vote, and pray before you vote. Pray that the right candidate will win the election and that God's Will will be done. Then, pray for the one who wins, whether you like him or not.
Last week was a busy week. Book sales have surprised me. Much more than I ever anticipated. I spent most of the last part of the week with family of one of our church members who passed away on Wednesday. With the visitation, funeral, and visiting with the family, it was a hard week. This gracious gentleman will be missed.
This week is not going to be much better. The only good thing is I will be home, but busy. I'm trying to finish editing the rough draft of Susannah's Hope and marketing. I will be having a book signing in Tennessee the last of the month.
Tonight is our annual Senior Banquet at church. I always look forward to that. I hear my grandson is going to be one of the entertainers. I'm anxiously anticipating his performance. This morning two author friends, Susan Page Davis and Vicky McDonough, came for donuts and coffee. I think Vicky wants all of my antiques. We had so much fun.
Tomorrow is Election Day. Please vote, and pray before you vote. Pray that the right candidate will win the election and that God's Will will be done. Then, pray for the one who wins, whether you like him or not.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Everyone has heard on the news of Hurricane Sandy and the devastation of several New England states. My prayers are with those who suffered during the storm. I'm thankful it was not any worse than it was. I'm also thankful I live away from the coast.
I've always thought it would be so neat to live on the coast and walk on the beach each morning. I'd hut for shells and let the water lap on my ankles. I would watch the sunset and the sunrise and be thankful for this beautiful world God has blessed us with.
My bubble bursts when something like this happens. I'm glad the only thing I have to deal with is tornadoes, ice storms, and wind. I'm not a big fan of wind after living through tornadoes. It was windy in Tennessee, but here we are in the flat part of Kentucky.There are no mountains to knock the wind around. We do get more wind, but the closeness to family out weighs the wind.
I've used "Life is an adventure, enjoy it" for several years as my statement. I try to look at each event in my life as an adventure and try to make the best of it. So far, I'm enjoying the ride. Each day should be an adventure for us. Like an adventure, we never know what will happen at the end of the day. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it isn't. I wish you to live the adventure.
I've always thought it would be so neat to live on the coast and walk on the beach each morning. I'd hut for shells and let the water lap on my ankles. I would watch the sunset and the sunrise and be thankful for this beautiful world God has blessed us with.
My bubble bursts when something like this happens. I'm glad the only thing I have to deal with is tornadoes, ice storms, and wind. I'm not a big fan of wind after living through tornadoes. It was windy in Tennessee, but here we are in the flat part of Kentucky.There are no mountains to knock the wind around. We do get more wind, but the closeness to family out weighs the wind.
I've used "Life is an adventure, enjoy it" for several years as my statement. I try to look at each event in my life as an adventure and try to make the best of it. So far, I'm enjoying the ride. Each day should be an adventure for us. Like an adventure, we never know what will happen at the end of the day. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it isn't. I wish you to live the adventure.
Monday, October 29, 2012
This past week-end I was searching for a teenage picture of myself. I didn't realize how hard that would be. I thought I could put my finger on the box, but instead I found the box with my sister's pictures in it. There were no pictures of me as a teenager.
What I did find were treasures. One set of my great-grandparents lived in Southwest Virginia and Southeast Kentucky. I found old, I mean old, pictures from their my grandmother's growing up there. They are fading and I am trying to preserve them in case my children want them when I'm gone. It is a part of our families history.
My maternal grandmother's family must have loved to have their pictures made. I found a wonderful picture of my great-grandparents with their five oldest children. There were two or three more after the picture was taken. What I found interesting was the clothes. I've researched for pictures of clothes in the early 1900's and I had them in my hands all the time.
One picture of friends of my grandfathers are standing on a porch of a newly constructed house in Virginia. I'd say the town was Stonega and the house was a mining house. Today we would call a duplex, Two families lived side by side in the same structure. I remember a railing dividing my aunt's front porch from my great-grandfathers.
In this picture, there are five people on the porch of this house. The thing that struck me different from most pictures is the fact this is a post card. One man has written on the back in pencil that there is work there painting houses and my grandfather should come. The clothes are dark pants and skirts and white blouses and shirts. One woman has a big black bow at her collar. The women wore belts with shinny buckles. These are probably their Sunday best. The postmark on the card is 1912. That picture is 100 years old and I'm holding it in my hands.
That is the time period I am interested in, so this was a great find. I had not thought about my family having the information I need. You never know where a writer can be inspired.
What I did find were treasures. One set of my great-grandparents lived in Southwest Virginia and Southeast Kentucky. I found old, I mean old, pictures from their my grandmother's growing up there. They are fading and I am trying to preserve them in case my children want them when I'm gone. It is a part of our families history.
My maternal grandmother's family must have loved to have their pictures made. I found a wonderful picture of my great-grandparents with their five oldest children. There were two or three more after the picture was taken. What I found interesting was the clothes. I've researched for pictures of clothes in the early 1900's and I had them in my hands all the time.
One picture of friends of my grandfathers are standing on a porch of a newly constructed house in Virginia. I'd say the town was Stonega and the house was a mining house. Today we would call a duplex, Two families lived side by side in the same structure. I remember a railing dividing my aunt's front porch from my great-grandfathers.
In this picture, there are five people on the porch of this house. The thing that struck me different from most pictures is the fact this is a post card. One man has written on the back in pencil that there is work there painting houses and my grandfather should come. The clothes are dark pants and skirts and white blouses and shirts. One woman has a big black bow at her collar. The women wore belts with shinny buckles. These are probably their Sunday best. The postmark on the card is 1912. That picture is 100 years old and I'm holding it in my hands.
That is the time period I am interested in, so this was a great find. I had not thought about my family having the information I need. You never know where a writer can be inspired.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I am amazed at the number of people who received a free Kindle copy of Callie's Mountain. The reviews are beginning to trickle in and so far they have all been good and positive. Thanks to everyone who received a free copy and please post a comment on Amazon.
Yesterday I read that my printing company, Mantle Rock Publishing, is a boutique press. That's a new word related to printing. I've been aware of vanity press where you pay to have your book published. I've never liked the idea of vanity press and in conferences we've been told to steer clear of them.
A boutique press is something different. I offer a very good commission, support, and knowledge of printing. I bring all those to the table. There are a few things the writer has to bring. The first thing is a good clean manuscript.
A clean manuscript has been critiques and edited. Critiquing is so important to any manuscript. Not only does your critique partner find mistakes, but it is different eyes reading it. Even before you send it to be critiqued, edit it yourself to make sure it sounds good. I use Auto Critique. You can use it for free with less than 400 words to be critiqued, or you can purchase it for as little as $47. Each person has their own needs, so it is priced at different versions. The largest can critique a whole 100,000 word book.
Auto Critique tells you how many times you duplicated the same word, and how many to cut out. It has made me see my writing mistakes and skills better. It's very easy to use, and I love working with it. I feel like I am better prepared when I send it to my critique partner.
Several people are anxious for the next book. I'm so excited that people want to read more. I'm anxious to get it finished so I can start working on the third in the series.
Yesterday I read that my printing company, Mantle Rock Publishing, is a boutique press. That's a new word related to printing. I've been aware of vanity press where you pay to have your book published. I've never liked the idea of vanity press and in conferences we've been told to steer clear of them.
A boutique press is something different. I offer a very good commission, support, and knowledge of printing. I bring all those to the table. There are a few things the writer has to bring. The first thing is a good clean manuscript.
A clean manuscript has been critiques and edited. Critiquing is so important to any manuscript. Not only does your critique partner find mistakes, but it is different eyes reading it. Even before you send it to be critiqued, edit it yourself to make sure it sounds good. I use Auto Critique. You can use it for free with less than 400 words to be critiqued, or you can purchase it for as little as $47. Each person has their own needs, so it is priced at different versions. The largest can critique a whole 100,000 word book.
Auto Critique tells you how many times you duplicated the same word, and how many to cut out. It has made me see my writing mistakes and skills better. It's very easy to use, and I love working with it. I feel like I am better prepared when I send it to my critique partner.
Several people are anxious for the next book. I'm so excited that people want to read more. I'm anxious to get it finished so I can start working on the third in the series.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Yes, today's the day you can receive a free Kindle download of Callie's Mountain. I'm offering this for today and tomorrow.
In our writer's group meeting Saturday, we discussed whether it was good to give away books or not. One author said she would rather not give them away. Most of us listened. For me, as a new author, it helps me to build my platform of readers. I've always found it hard to take a chance on a new author. With free downloads, I can do it with no expense.
Most authors give away books, especially when they first start publishing. I know I've received my fair share of free books from new authors, and it's helped me to find authors I like. There are several author friends who send me their books before they come on the market. They give them to readers to encourage others to buy their books.
Marketing is the hardest thing for any author to do. We can usually do word of mouth, but when it comes to writing a news release, or putting our new release on a loop, it's difficult. Then we pray that someone reads it and asks us to be on their blog, or give us a nice review. The marketing part is hard.
I've been in sales most of my life, but selling myself is the hardest thing to do. After hearing good comments about my book this week-end, I feel more confident than ever. Several authors and writers have encouraged me to tell this story. I'm glad I did. I love the story of a people forgotten. I want to bring it to more people's attention.
I've learned a lot in the last week and a half. I pray I can fulfill my obligations to my readers.
In our writer's group meeting Saturday, we discussed whether it was good to give away books or not. One author said she would rather not give them away. Most of us listened. For me, as a new author, it helps me to build my platform of readers. I've always found it hard to take a chance on a new author. With free downloads, I can do it with no expense.
Most authors give away books, especially when they first start publishing. I know I've received my fair share of free books from new authors, and it's helped me to find authors I like. There are several author friends who send me their books before they come on the market. They give them to readers to encourage others to buy their books.
Marketing is the hardest thing for any author to do. We can usually do word of mouth, but when it comes to writing a news release, or putting our new release on a loop, it's difficult. Then we pray that someone reads it and asks us to be on their blog, or give us a nice review. The marketing part is hard.
I've been in sales most of my life, but selling myself is the hardest thing to do. After hearing good comments about my book this week-end, I feel more confident than ever. Several authors and writers have encouraged me to tell this story. I'm glad I did. I love the story of a people forgotten. I want to bring it to more people's attention.
I've learned a lot in the last week and a half. I pray I can fulfill my obligations to my readers.
Friday, October 19, 2012
I have a couple of announcements to make today. You'll probably be able to guess they're about Callie's Mountain. You may want to take advantage of them.
The first is to announce my very first interview was yesterday with my very good friend, Brooke Cox. Brooke and I became friends when we lived in Tennessee. She is an aspiring writer and a wacky person. Her wackiness makes me chuckle when I read her posts. She's great. Go to http://grooviebrooksie.blogspot.com/ and read all about my journey. Thanks Broke for helping me in my process. Love you girl.
The other important message is Callie's Mountain will be a FREE download for Kindle on October 22 and 23. If you don't have a Kindle right now, download PC Kindle at Amazon. You can either read it on the computer or download it later into a Kindle. I did that for a couple of years before I got my Kindle.
I am calming down now. It's funny how something like this has impacted my life. I don't consider myself a celebrity, as my cousin called me yesterday. I am still plain me with dishes to wash and laundry to do. Nothing brings you back to the ground than laundry and a few dirty dishes.
This is going to be a rush week-end. So many things going on. I hope your week-end will be filled with peace and love.
The first is to announce my very first interview was yesterday with my very good friend, Brooke Cox. Brooke and I became friends when we lived in Tennessee. She is an aspiring writer and a wacky person. Her wackiness makes me chuckle when I read her posts. She's great. Go to http://grooviebrooksie.blogspot.com/ and read all about my journey. Thanks Broke for helping me in my process. Love you girl.
The other important message is Callie's Mountain will be a FREE download for Kindle on October 22 and 23. If you don't have a Kindle right now, download PC Kindle at Amazon. You can either read it on the computer or download it later into a Kindle. I did that for a couple of years before I got my Kindle.
I am calming down now. It's funny how something like this has impacted my life. I don't consider myself a celebrity, as my cousin called me yesterday. I am still plain me with dishes to wash and laundry to do. Nothing brings you back to the ground than laundry and a few dirty dishes.
This is going to be a rush week-end. So many things going on. I hope your week-end will be filled with peace and love.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Yesterday I finished A Heart Revealed by Julie Lessman. This is the second book in her Winds of Change Series. I have the third book, A Love Surrendered, and I'm anxious to start it.
If you have read any of Julie Lessman's books, you know she is one of the Queens of the Kiss. Her books do get very emotional. The other Queen of the Kiss is Mary Connealy. Both of these ladies know how to write about a kiss. I will place Sandi Rog as an upcoming Princess of the Kiss. These are the three most emotional writers I know. No one else can describe a kiss like they can and still write a Christian novel.
Away from the kiss, the story was very good. I was held captive until the very last. I was surprised by the ending and that makes an excellent book for me. Emma was so perfect, and Charity was so demonstrative. The antics of the family made for very good reading.
I give this book five stars. Very good and I recommend it highly.
Ten years ago, Emma Malloy fled Dublin for Boston as a battered woman, escaping the husband who scarred her beautiful face. The physical and emotional wounds have faded with time, and her life is finally full of purpose and free from the pain of her past. But when she falls for her friend Charity's handsome and charming brother, Sean O'Connor, fear and shame threaten to destroy her. Could Sean and Emma ever have a future together? Or is Emma doomed to live out the rest of her life denying the only true love she's ever known?
Filled with intense passion and longing, deception and revelation, A Heart Revealed will hold readers in its grip until the very last page.
If you have read any of Julie Lessman's books, you know she is one of the Queens of the Kiss. Her books do get very emotional. The other Queen of the Kiss is Mary Connealy. Both of these ladies know how to write about a kiss. I will place Sandi Rog as an upcoming Princess of the Kiss. These are the three most emotional writers I know. No one else can describe a kiss like they can and still write a Christian novel.
Away from the kiss, the story was very good. I was held captive until the very last. I was surprised by the ending and that makes an excellent book for me. Emma was so perfect, and Charity was so demonstrative. The antics of the family made for very good reading.
I give this book five stars. Very good and I recommend it highly.
Filled with intense passion and longing, deception and revelation, A Heart Revealed will hold readers in its grip until the very last page.
Monday, October 15, 2012
This has been the wildest week-end I have ever experienced. First, I didn't expect my book to be on Amazon until today. When I checked my email Saturday morning, I was surprised to see it up. Then I had to tell 5,000 of my closest friends. All of Facebook, my groups, ACFW, and everyone I knew. It came to about 5,000 give or take a few.
This has been overwhelming. At times I had given up on every seeing Callie's Mountain in print. It all sort of snowballed last week. My feet finally hit the ground today. I guess when you see all the laundry that needs to be done, you get real. It has been a wonderful week-end.
Today I will be putting Callie in paperback. That is exciting to think about. I can hold her in my hand. I never thought it would be like this. I never thought I would be so excited about anything. My baby turned out beautiful.
What's next? Susannah's Hope. It is almost finished. I'm a lot like Judith Miller in this respect, I hate to write the last chapter of this book. That's where I am, the last chapter. Of course, there is editing to do and all that involves the publishing side of it. My plans are to have it ready by January, 2013.
The next book is Emily's Faith. I'm working with Emily in my head right now. She is sweet, pretty, and a good natured young woman. I think she will be the sweetest and most caring of all three women. I'm anxious to start working on her story.
I would like to thank all of you for your kind words. I've read the comments on Facebook, ACFW loop, and personal emails. Thanks for all the encouragement. I've received invitations to visit several blogs in the next weeks and months. I will keep you posted on all of them. Now, I have work to do.
This has been overwhelming. At times I had given up on every seeing Callie's Mountain in print. It all sort of snowballed last week. My feet finally hit the ground today. I guess when you see all the laundry that needs to be done, you get real. It has been a wonderful week-end.
Today I will be putting Callie in paperback. That is exciting to think about. I can hold her in my hand. I never thought it would be like this. I never thought I would be so excited about anything. My baby turned out beautiful.
What's next? Susannah's Hope. It is almost finished. I'm a lot like Judith Miller in this respect, I hate to write the last chapter of this book. That's where I am, the last chapter. Of course, there is editing to do and all that involves the publishing side of it. My plans are to have it ready by January, 2013.
The next book is Emily's Faith. I'm working with Emily in my head right now. She is sweet, pretty, and a good natured young woman. I think she will be the sweetest and most caring of all three women. I'm anxious to start working on her story.
I would like to thank all of you for your kind words. I've read the comments on Facebook, ACFW loop, and personal emails. Thanks for all the encouragement. I've received invitations to visit several blogs in the next weeks and months. I will keep you posted on all of them. Now, I have work to do.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Today my book, Callie's Mountain, is for sale on Amazon. It is in ebook form ,as of right now. I plan to put it in paperback next week. I have simply run out of time. There are only 24 hours in the day and mine have been full.
I am so excited to see my book in print. Please celebrate with me. You guys are the best.
I'm scheduling blog tours and interviews. You can contact me at kathycret@yahoo.com.
I am so excited to see my book in print. Please celebrate with me. You guys are the best.
I'm scheduling blog tours and interviews. You can contact me at kathycret@yahoo.com.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Almost two years ago, my friend Sandi Rog was diagnosed with cancer. Not the easy kind to cure, but T-Cell Lymphoma. Sandi has battled this cancer with chemo, radiation, and natural treatments. Her life has been torn apart by cancer. It has been a roller coaster ride for her. The cancer would be gone in one place and pop up in another. This has been a long, devastating battle. Her family has suffered financially and mentally.
Last December, she was told she had no cancer, then a tumor popped up in her pelvis. Radiation took care of it, but then three were found in her lymph nodes and one on her rib. The doctor wanted to do a biopsy to find out "what kind " of cancer it was. She refused and started taking Vitamin B17, plus supplements.
Yesterday she had a PET scan and all tumors were gone except one and it was so small the doctor was not worried about it. Remember, she had no surgery, just B17, B15 and other supplements. What a blessing. Words do not come easy to express how blessed I feel to have her in good health.
Sandi and I roomed together in Denver in 2009 at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference. We became very close. She's like a daughter to me, and I love her dearly. I was devastated by the news of her cancer in November, 2010. I have been on this roller coaster ride with her and her family.
During the summer, she started talking to me about B17. I have severe diverticulitis. It has plagued me off an on for the last eleven years. It becomes so severe that I can not function. My health was so bad that I was taking Lortab constantly. My colon had become infected. I was a mess.
September 10, 2012, I took my first B17. My son-in-law was having serious surgery, and I was in pain. I took a Lortab before I went to the hospital and a B17. When the Lortab wore off, I was in less pain. I could get out of the chair better. I could tell a difference.
Today, I am without pain. The raw feeling is gone. I can walk, exercise, vacuum, mop my floors, and still have energy to go. I believe in B17. I know it helps and I wish more doctors believed in it. I wish it would be approved to sell in the US. It's a wonderful medicine to cure cancer and other illnesses.
I'm so thankful to God for Sandi's health, and for mine. It's a wonderful feeling.
Last December, she was told she had no cancer, then a tumor popped up in her pelvis. Radiation took care of it, but then three were found in her lymph nodes and one on her rib. The doctor wanted to do a biopsy to find out "what kind " of cancer it was. She refused and started taking Vitamin B17, plus supplements.
Yesterday she had a PET scan and all tumors were gone except one and it was so small the doctor was not worried about it. Remember, she had no surgery, just B17, B15 and other supplements. What a blessing. Words do not come easy to express how blessed I feel to have her in good health.
Sandi and I roomed together in Denver in 2009 at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference. We became very close. She's like a daughter to me, and I love her dearly. I was devastated by the news of her cancer in November, 2010. I have been on this roller coaster ride with her and her family.
During the summer, she started talking to me about B17. I have severe diverticulitis. It has plagued me off an on for the last eleven years. It becomes so severe that I can not function. My health was so bad that I was taking Lortab constantly. My colon had become infected. I was a mess.
September 10, 2012, I took my first B17. My son-in-law was having serious surgery, and I was in pain. I took a Lortab before I went to the hospital and a B17. When the Lortab wore off, I was in less pain. I could get out of the chair better. I could tell a difference.
Today, I am without pain. The raw feeling is gone. I can walk, exercise, vacuum, mop my floors, and still have energy to go. I believe in B17. I know it helps and I wish more doctors believed in it. I wish it would be approved to sell in the US. It's a wonderful medicine to cure cancer and other illnesses.
I'm so thankful to God for Sandi's health, and for mine. It's a wonderful feeling.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Each year on Columbus Day we make apple butter. Not the crock pot kind, but the way our forefathers did it centuries ago. We have modernized it a little along the way.
This year there were only three couples, including my husband and myself, who came to enjoy the beautiful fall day. It was a lovely day, crisp air in the morning and a beautiful blue sky. No rain darkened our day. Everyone helps in preparing the meal and this year we had fried fish, white beans, coleslaw, french fries, hush puppies, and coconut pie. It was so good.
In the old days, the apples were not peeled until the morning of the stirring. As you peeled and sliced the apples, you put them in the kettle and they cooked. It took so much longer to cook than the way we do it. We get our apples early and peel, slice, and cook them. This year we didn't get them until the week before we made the butter. We have an apple peeler which speeds the preparation.
Usually we freeze the cooked apples, but this year we refrigerated them. Apple butter makes more quickly when the apples are already cooked. Still, it is an all day job.
You need a brass kettle with stand. Ours is small, but we don't want to make a lot of apple butter. A stirrer. Ours has been in the family for over 100 years. It has a long handle and then the stirrer part reaches to the bottom of the kettle. You have to stir constantly to keep the apples from sticking. My grandmother used to put a silver dollar in the bottom of the kettle. I guess it kept the apples on the bottom moving with the stirrer. We don't do that anymore.
We used 2 bushel of apples this year. Couldn't get Granny Smith's which are the best. Instead we had to get a sweeter apple, thus less sugar. We use Cinnamon Oil. It incorporates into the apple butter better. You do have to stir it well to get it mixed in good. Cinnamon Oil also becomes stronger with age. Start with a little.
This is our friend, Tommy Hobgood, taking his turn stirring. You can see the stirrer. It is long and hard to stir. The apple butter is wonderful. I think the best we've made. We started before 8:00 a.m.and finished a little after 3:00 p.m. It is an all day job, but worth it.
This year there were only three couples, including my husband and myself, who came to enjoy the beautiful fall day. It was a lovely day, crisp air in the morning and a beautiful blue sky. No rain darkened our day. Everyone helps in preparing the meal and this year we had fried fish, white beans, coleslaw, french fries, hush puppies, and coconut pie. It was so good.
In the old days, the apples were not peeled until the morning of the stirring. As you peeled and sliced the apples, you put them in the kettle and they cooked. It took so much longer to cook than the way we do it. We get our apples early and peel, slice, and cook them. This year we didn't get them until the week before we made the butter. We have an apple peeler which speeds the preparation.
You need a brass kettle with stand. Ours is small, but we don't want to make a lot of apple butter. A stirrer. Ours has been in the family for over 100 years. It has a long handle and then the stirrer part reaches to the bottom of the kettle. You have to stir constantly to keep the apples from sticking. My grandmother used to put a silver dollar in the bottom of the kettle. I guess it kept the apples on the bottom moving with the stirrer. We don't do that anymore.
We used 2 bushel of apples this year. Couldn't get Granny Smith's which are the best. Instead we had to get a sweeter apple, thus less sugar. We use Cinnamon Oil. It incorporates into the apple butter better. You do have to stir it well to get it mixed in good. Cinnamon Oil also becomes stronger with age. Start with a little.
This is our friend, Tommy Hobgood, taking his turn stirring. You can see the stirrer. It is long and hard to stir. The apple butter is wonderful. I think the best we've made. We started before 8:00 a.m.and finished a little after 3:00 p.m. It is an all day job, but worth it.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Do you hear the cadence? The drum roll is getting louder and louder. HERE IS THE OFFICIAL PICTURE OF THE BOOK COVER! I am so excited. Before I show it to you, let me tell you a little about the process.
Most of you know I struggled with a book cover that I didn't like. Then, a friend told me about Delia Latham, and I contacted her. She is a joy to work with. None of my idiotic questions bothered her. She was patient and kind to me, a novice. I had no idea what I was doing. We changed a few things, but the mountains are beautiful.
I asked for Blue Ridge Mountains. Some of the Smokey Mountain pictures were not exactly what I wanted. There is a difference. All mountains are not alike. I wish Callie and Jacob had more period clothes, but that is so hard to find. I love the expression on Callie's face. She's not about to marry Jacob. Okay, I've strung you along enough, so here it is. TA-DA!!!
So, what do you think? Personally I love it. I made it a little bigger so you could see her expression. Look at the mountain sunrise. Beautiful.
I have ideas for the next cover and I may try it myself. Don't know, but I have some good ideas. I love writing. Now, to have everything finished by October 15. I posted the cover and the blurb on Mantle Rock Publishing. Go take a look.
Most of you know I struggled with a book cover that I didn't like. Then, a friend told me about Delia Latham, and I contacted her. She is a joy to work with. None of my idiotic questions bothered her. She was patient and kind to me, a novice. I had no idea what I was doing. We changed a few things, but the mountains are beautiful.
I asked for Blue Ridge Mountains. Some of the Smokey Mountain pictures were not exactly what I wanted. There is a difference. All mountains are not alike. I wish Callie and Jacob had more period clothes, but that is so hard to find. I love the expression on Callie's face. She's not about to marry Jacob. Okay, I've strung you along enough, so here it is. TA-DA!!!
So, what do you think? Personally I love it. I made it a little bigger so you could see her expression. Look at the mountain sunrise. Beautiful.
I have ideas for the next cover and I may try it myself. Don't know, but I have some good ideas. I love writing. Now, to have everything finished by October 15. I posted the cover and the blurb on Mantle Rock Publishing. Go take a look.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
To Love and Cherish is the second book in the Bridal Veil Island Series by Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller. The characters are different, but the setting is the same. There are more historical elements than I remember in the first book. The hurricane made some tense moments and moved Melinda to travel to the island of Bridal Veil. I could feel her struggle and her pain of not knowing whether Evan was alive or not.
There was a lot of friction between Melinda and Evan. She needed to grow up, and he needed to confide his feelings with her. Melinda's brother threw a few wild punches in the story. And the horse. The horse intrigued me through the book until I found out the real answer. Her brother was sneaky and a gambler. You had to have one guy who was not all good.
This is such a good book. The portrayal of the President McKinley's visit was a wisp of genius.
Okay, Tracie and Judy, when's the next one coming out? Can't wait to read it.
When Melinda Colson's employer announces they'll be leaving Bridal Veil Island to return to their home in Cleveland, Melinda hopes her beau, Evan, will propose. But Evan isn't prepared to make an offer of marriage until he knows he can support a wife and family. Evan works as the assistant gamekeeper on Bridal Veil but hopes to be promoted soon.
Letters strengthen their love, but Melinda remains frustrated at being apart from the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Then she learns of a devastating hurricane in Bridal Veil and knows she must give up her position as a lady's maid and make her way back to Evan.
The destruction on Bridal Veil is extensive, meaning every available person is needed to help with cleanup and repairs. Melinda finds a new job on the island, but Evan seems even busier than before, meaning she still never gets to see him. Has she given her heart to the wrong man?
There was a lot of friction between Melinda and Evan. She needed to grow up, and he needed to confide his feelings with her. Melinda's brother threw a few wild punches in the story. And the horse. The horse intrigued me through the book until I found out the real answer. Her brother was sneaky and a gambler. You had to have one guy who was not all good.
This is such a good book. The portrayal of the President McKinley's visit was a wisp of genius.
Okay, Tracie and Judy, when's the next one coming out? Can't wait to read it.
When Melinda Colson's employer announces they'll be leaving Bridal Veil Island to return to their home in Cleveland, Melinda hopes her beau, Evan, will propose. But Evan isn't prepared to make an offer of marriage until he knows he can support a wife and family. Evan works as the assistant gamekeeper on Bridal Veil but hopes to be promoted soon.
Letters strengthen their love, but Melinda remains frustrated at being apart from the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Then she learns of a devastating hurricane in Bridal Veil and knows she must give up her position as a lady's maid and make her way back to Evan.
The destruction on Bridal Veil is extensive, meaning every available person is needed to help with cleanup and repairs. Melinda finds a new job on the island, but Evan seems even busier than before, meaning she still never gets to see him. Has she given her heart to the wrong man?
Monday, October 1, 2012
This was one of the first things I saw this morning when I opened my email. It was from My Book Therapy Voices. This is so true. What would you do if you didn't write?
My house would be a lot cleaner and there would be more food cooked. My laundry would be done on time, folded, hung, and I wouldn't have the basket of clothes to iron and mend. Since money would not be spent on books, conferences, and other writing related things, I would have more money. I would not be as happy.
Don't get me wrong, I do get unhappy when there's a lot of things to do around the house, but I am so happy when I write. The mundane housework would bore me to death. My daughter and I used to have a craft business. She made a magnet that said, "Dull housewives have immaculate houses."
Imagination is something everyone needs to have. You can let it go to extremes, but a good dose of imagination is good for the soul. My children can tell you their mama had plenty imagination when they were young. I loved to tell them stories, and we played a lot of crazy games. It was never dull around our house, and it isn't today.
My advice to you is to write, if you feel you need to. Even if no one ever sees it, write. I have stories that will never see the light of day, but they helped me get through a tough time. Let your emotions fly. Put everything you have in what you write. Most of all, enjoy it.
Friday, September 28, 2012
This is a first for me. My book is at the editors. She'll have it back to me in a few days. The book cover is in the process of being made. I feel like a load has been lifted from my shoulders. It's a good feeling.
I'm working on Book #2, Susannah's Hope. You meet Susannah in the first book. She's a spoiled, selfish, opinionated woman. She loves to gossip and cares only for herself. Her family owns Cole's General Store, the only store in the settlement. By the way, the settlement gets a name in this book. It's Maple Ridge.
In the first chapter Susannah's father is killed in a flash flood and she almost drowns. She's taken to Aaron and Mary Gibson's house. Mary is a nurse, or healer. It's more convenient for her to be there so Mary can care for her as she recovers. Susannah and her family have no love for the Melungeons, so she is put in a very awkward position. She does become friends with Mary and her family.
Susannah knows nothing about being a store owner. She does find out her father and grandfather have been cheating the Indians and the Melungeons. After her grandmother's death, she decides to charge everyone the same price. Her life changes for the good then.
Dr. Val Minor has taken a liking to Susannah, but he remembers how she treated him before. He is a Melungeon and darker skinned. (Melungeons are not black, but look like they have a year-round tan.) Susannah hires Rachel Gibson, Mary's daughter, to help in the store. They become very good friends.
There are three love stories in this book. I'll not give them away. There is also more prejudice shown. I hope you will find this book interesting when it comes out in the winter of 2013.
I'm working on Book #2, Susannah's Hope. You meet Susannah in the first book. She's a spoiled, selfish, opinionated woman. She loves to gossip and cares only for herself. Her family owns Cole's General Store, the only store in the settlement. By the way, the settlement gets a name in this book. It's Maple Ridge.
In the first chapter Susannah's father is killed in a flash flood and she almost drowns. She's taken to Aaron and Mary Gibson's house. Mary is a nurse, or healer. It's more convenient for her to be there so Mary can care for her as she recovers. Susannah and her family have no love for the Melungeons, so she is put in a very awkward position. She does become friends with Mary and her family.
Susannah knows nothing about being a store owner. She does find out her father and grandfather have been cheating the Indians and the Melungeons. After her grandmother's death, she decides to charge everyone the same price. Her life changes for the good then.
Dr. Val Minor has taken a liking to Susannah, but he remembers how she treated him before. He is a Melungeon and darker skinned. (Melungeons are not black, but look like they have a year-round tan.) Susannah hires Rachel Gibson, Mary's daughter, to help in the store. They become very good friends.
There are three love stories in this book. I'll not give them away. There is also more prejudice shown. I hope you will find this book interesting when it comes out in the winter of 2013.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The publishing date of Callie's Mountain is getting closer. The date of October 15, 2012 is doable. If everything else goes well, the book should come out on Amazon on that date.
This is exciting, and a lot of doubts nag me right now. From what others have told me, that's understandable. My author friends keep telling me I am a good writer. I don't know. Sometimes I experience a lot of doubts. Sometimes I wish I had quit before I got started. Life would be a lot simpler if I were not at the computer all day long. But it would not be this exciting, and I would not have made so many friends.
Several times during the past years, I've wondered why I decided to take this route so late in life. It's certainly not for money. Unless you're on the New York Times Best Seller's List, or getting a six figure advance, you're not going to be rich.
It's certainly not for glory. Unless you have a large following, very few know about you and your books. There must be other reasons why we write.
It started as therapy. I needed something to help me after my father's death and later after my mother's. It also helped me to relax while I cared for my mother. I could escape for a few minutes into my book.
It must be the love of storytelling. My maternal grandmother was a great storyteller. We would sit on the front porch in the afternoons, and she would tell me about live as a sheriff's daughter in a coal mining town. They were wonderful stories.
As October 15 draws nearer, I'm busier than ever. This is what I have wanted to do all my life, but never had the courage to do it. I guess I'm getting more courageous in my old days.
This is exciting, and a lot of doubts nag me right now. From what others have told me, that's understandable. My author friends keep telling me I am a good writer. I don't know. Sometimes I experience a lot of doubts. Sometimes I wish I had quit before I got started. Life would be a lot simpler if I were not at the computer all day long. But it would not be this exciting, and I would not have made so many friends.
Several times during the past years, I've wondered why I decided to take this route so late in life. It's certainly not for money. Unless you're on the New York Times Best Seller's List, or getting a six figure advance, you're not going to be rich.
It's certainly not for glory. Unless you have a large following, very few know about you and your books. There must be other reasons why we write.
It started as therapy. I needed something to help me after my father's death and later after my mother's. It also helped me to relax while I cared for my mother. I could escape for a few minutes into my book.
It must be the love of storytelling. My maternal grandmother was a great storyteller. We would sit on the front porch in the afternoons, and she would tell me about live as a sheriff's daughter in a coal mining town. They were wonderful stories.
As October 15 draws nearer, I'm busier than ever. This is what I have wanted to do all my life, but never had the courage to do it. I guess I'm getting more courageous in my old days.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Patricia PacJac Carroll is the author of Liberty Belle. A refreshing book combining a belle from Georgia with the Wild West. A different book from the others set in the West.
This is PacJac's first book, and like more authors today, she took the road to self-publishing. The number of Independent Publishers is growing daily. To become your own publisher is becoming more popular.
The opening scene is wonderful. I wanted to read more. Jilted by her groom, Liberty Auraria Longstreet decides to become independent. She runs away from her controlling mother, but her aunt Flora, a spinster, decides to go with her. They flee for the West where Libby hopes to get a job teaching school. She brings her horse, Star, along in hopes of one day having a ranch.
She and Aunt Flora are hilariously innocent. Whatever can happen to them does.
The writing is good. PacJac controls her subject matter and the book is interesting. I was hooked from the first chapter. I even got up at 3:30 a.m. and read for an hour. You may see a few errors, the author will admit. I would still give the book 5 stars. Way to go PacJac. There will be another book out this fall, Golden Dreams, and I'm looking forward to it.
Set in 1859 Denver, Liberty Belle is a story of finding freedom and forgiveness. A jilted bride, a wayward sheriff, a small boy, outlaws, and a gallows provide plenty of action, romance, and hope. Liberty Longstreet was left at the altar, but that wasn’t the worst of her day. She awakens to the fact that she needs to declare independence from her controlling mother. Wanting her freedom and to find a man of her choosing, Libby leaves home for faraway Denver. She just doesn't count on being robbed, falling for a wayward sheriff, or being accused of murder. Sheriff Wade Calder throws down his badge in a quest for revenge. Instead, he takes responsibility for his enemy’s young son. Wanting only to be free, Wade runs into Libby, and she wins what is left of his heart. Unfortunately, he has nothing to offer her until he picks up his badge. His honor is restored, but it may cost Libby her life. Together they learn the cost of freedom and the wealth of forgiveness.
This is PacJac's first book, and like more authors today, she took the road to self-publishing. The number of Independent Publishers is growing daily. To become your own publisher is becoming more popular.
The opening scene is wonderful. I wanted to read more. Jilted by her groom, Liberty Auraria Longstreet decides to become independent. She runs away from her controlling mother, but her aunt Flora, a spinster, decides to go with her. They flee for the West where Libby hopes to get a job teaching school. She brings her horse, Star, along in hopes of one day having a ranch.
She and Aunt Flora are hilariously innocent. Whatever can happen to them does.
The writing is good. PacJac controls her subject matter and the book is interesting. I was hooked from the first chapter. I even got up at 3:30 a.m. and read for an hour. You may see a few errors, the author will admit. I would still give the book 5 stars. Way to go PacJac. There will be another book out this fall, Golden Dreams, and I'm looking forward to it.
Set in 1859 Denver, Liberty Belle is a story of finding freedom and forgiveness. A jilted bride, a wayward sheriff, a small boy, outlaws, and a gallows provide plenty of action, romance, and hope. Liberty Longstreet was left at the altar, but that wasn’t the worst of her day. She awakens to the fact that she needs to declare independence from her controlling mother. Wanting her freedom and to find a man of her choosing, Libby leaves home for faraway Denver. She just doesn't count on being robbed, falling for a wayward sheriff, or being accused of murder. Sheriff Wade Calder throws down his badge in a quest for revenge. Instead, he takes responsibility for his enemy’s young son. Wanting only to be free, Wade runs into Libby, and she wins what is left of his heart. Unfortunately, he has nothing to offer her until he picks up his badge. His honor is restored, but it may cost Libby her life. Together they learn the cost of freedom and the wealth of forgiveness.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Saturday's are not one of my writing days, but I missed yesterday and decided to write today about the lawsuit Hobby Lobby filed against the Obama Healthcare Plan or ObamaCare.
Before I get started ranting, let me tell you up front that I do not believe the government has a right to tell us, as individuals or businesses, what we have to do or not do. What has happened to our freedoms this country was founded on? I feel it's time we, as Christians and individuals, stand up and be counted.
Hobby Lobby is built on Christian principles. It is family owned, by David Green, a devout Baptist. They close on Sunday, and make sure all the merchandise they sell is according to their beliefs. When ObamaCare mandated that the "morning after" pills be included in the insurance. Mr Green sued the government because it violated his religious beliefs.
I agree the "morning after" pills is a nice way to say abortion. I believe that life begins at conception. Apparently our government has no problem with killing babies before they have a chance to live. I don't usually get political, but this is our freedoms we are talking about. What is next?
What happens if Mr. Green does not get ObamaCare for his employees? He will have to pay, now get this, $1.3 million PER DAY fines! That will clear the national debt in a few days. Oh, I forgot. It's not a fine, it's a tax. Can you believe that?
What if you like Mr. Green refuse to get ObamaCare? You will be hit with this tax. Not as much as a business, but you will have to pay. I call this bullying, and I don't like it! I do not want to be bullied by any individual. It's not right, even if it is the government.
We can look at this as writers. Will the government eventually tell you not to have a Christian element in your books? Will they force Christian publishers to stop publishing clean books? Think about what could happen to your writing career.
I'm asking you this morning to support Hobby Lobby. I'm shopping there next week. I'm also asking you to look at where our government is headed. Is that what you really want? Think about it and then act. Go to http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/09/20/growing-boycott-against-retail-chain-hobby-lobby-after-lawsuit-against-health/ and ready about this. It's time to take America back.
Before I get started ranting, let me tell you up front that I do not believe the government has a right to tell us, as individuals or businesses, what we have to do or not do. What has happened to our freedoms this country was founded on? I feel it's time we, as Christians and individuals, stand up and be counted.
Hobby Lobby is built on Christian principles. It is family owned, by David Green, a devout Baptist. They close on Sunday, and make sure all the merchandise they sell is according to their beliefs. When ObamaCare mandated that the "morning after" pills be included in the insurance. Mr Green sued the government because it violated his religious beliefs.
I agree the "morning after" pills is a nice way to say abortion. I believe that life begins at conception. Apparently our government has no problem with killing babies before they have a chance to live. I don't usually get political, but this is our freedoms we are talking about. What is next?
What happens if Mr. Green does not get ObamaCare for his employees? He will have to pay, now get this, $1.3 million PER DAY fines! That will clear the national debt in a few days. Oh, I forgot. It's not a fine, it's a tax. Can you believe that?
What if you like Mr. Green refuse to get ObamaCare? You will be hit with this tax. Not as much as a business, but you will have to pay. I call this bullying, and I don't like it! I do not want to be bullied by any individual. It's not right, even if it is the government.
We can look at this as writers. Will the government eventually tell you not to have a Christian element in your books? Will they force Christian publishers to stop publishing clean books? Think about what could happen to your writing career.
I'm asking you this morning to support Hobby Lobby. I'm shopping there next week. I'm also asking you to look at where our government is headed. Is that what you really want? Think about it and then act. Go to http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/09/20/growing-boycott-against-retail-chain-hobby-lobby-after-lawsuit-against-health/ and ready about this. It's time to take America back.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Our guests today are William and Sarah Trent, Callie Trent, Jacob McGinnis, Susannah Cole, and Dr. Valentine Minor.
KA: Thank you all for coming today. I think my readers will enjoy hearing a little about you since you will be in print soon.
William: Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here, but I have a lot of work to do. Can we hurry this along?
KA: We sure can, Mr. Trent. I'll only ask each of you one question. Tell me about Callie.
William: Callie is our oldest child, and a pretty little thing. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and stubborn as the day is long. She's honest and dependable and.....
KA: Let's give the others a chance to tell something. Mrs. Trent, can you tell me something about Callie?
Sarah: Callie is the best daughter a mother can have. She's eager to work and never complains. She's a hard worker and will make a wonderful school teacher.
KA: Thank you Mrs. Trent. Now, Callie, can you tell me a little about yourself.
Callie: (Staring suspiciously at Jacob) First I want to teach school. I love the Melungeon children, and I want to teach them and the adults to read and write. I don't want an arranged marriage. I want to find my own true love.
KA: Thanks Callie. Now, Jacob, you have your turn. Can you tell us about Callie?
Jacob: Yes, ma'am. (He reaches over to take her arm and she jerks his hand away.) I love her. She's what I always wanted in a wife. When I saw her after I had made the marriage contract, I knew she was the one for me. She's what I always wanted in a wife. (Callie is shaking her head and glaring at him.) See, she loves me, she just doesn't know yet.
KA: Thank you, Jacob. Let's move along before you and Callie get in a fight. Susannah, tell me about Callie.
Susannah: She's the best friend a girl could have. She's never cared for frills and fashion, but she is a honest, true friend. If she did care for the proper decorum she wouldn't ....
KA: That's all right Susannah, let's leave that for the book. Now, Dr. Minor, you joined the Trent's after they left Rogersville, before they reached the settlement. You are the newcomer, right?
Dr. Val Minor: Yes, ma'am. I did join them in Rogersville. I share a cabin with Jacob McGinnis and hear a lot about Callie. She is a wonderful woman. She is very good with the Melungeon people. She is a caring person and the way she talked to the Collins boys, and calmed them down after the Indians beat them, is amazing. She's a jewel and a one of a kind.
KA: Thank you all for spending some time with my readers. Callie's Mountain will be out this fall. It will be on Amazon Kindle and in paperback. You can buy both on Amazon. I hope you will enjoy the book and learn a little about the Melungeon people and Callie.
Monday, September 17, 2012
If you have read Sanid Rog's blog, SandiRog.blogspot.com, you know she is taking B17 for her cancer. She also takes a bunch of other stuff. She kept telling me that she thought B17 would help my colon, and I didn't believe her. Let me tell you that I believe her now. Let me back track some to tell you the whole story.
Last winter I was having migraines, and my doctor at that time put me on a migraine medicine. At 50mg I felt fine, but he insisted I take 100 mg. Thinking the doctor knew best, I did. My head became so foggy, and I couldn't think straight. I felt like I was in a fog most of the time, and I was sleeping thirteen to fourteen hours a day. Two weeks ago, my new doctor took me off of them. That was the first sign I had that I was feeling better. At least I can think straight now.
During all this time, Sandi kept urging me to take B17. I knew it couldn't hurt me, but I was still a little fearful. My colon was hurting so much that I was ready to take anything, so I ordered a bottle of 100mg. I took my first one Sunday, September 9. We went to Nashville for my son-in-law's surgery. I took my second one that Monday morning, along with a Loritab. I was in a lot of pain.
I felt I would be in the hospital by today having surgery on my colon. That's how much I was hurting until noon Monday. The hurting stopped. I have had minimal pain since.
One other thing has improved. My knees. Since the knee replacements my knees didn't hurt as much as they did before, but they were sore at times and I knew where the replacement and the knee joined. I have absolutely no pain in my knees now. I don't know whether it is the B17, the zinc, the DMG, or the Vitamin E I'm taking. Whatever it is, I am so thankful for it.
The best information on this drug, but it's really not a drug but apricot seeds, go to Sandi's blog and read her B17 page. It gives you much more information and a video to watch. It is working for me, and I have energy, lots of energy.
Last winter I was having migraines, and my doctor at that time put me on a migraine medicine. At 50mg I felt fine, but he insisted I take 100 mg. Thinking the doctor knew best, I did. My head became so foggy, and I couldn't think straight. I felt like I was in a fog most of the time, and I was sleeping thirteen to fourteen hours a day. Two weeks ago, my new doctor took me off of them. That was the first sign I had that I was feeling better. At least I can think straight now.
During all this time, Sandi kept urging me to take B17. I knew it couldn't hurt me, but I was still a little fearful. My colon was hurting so much that I was ready to take anything, so I ordered a bottle of 100mg. I took my first one Sunday, September 9. We went to Nashville for my son-in-law's surgery. I took my second one that Monday morning, along with a Loritab. I was in a lot of pain.
I felt I would be in the hospital by today having surgery on my colon. That's how much I was hurting until noon Monday. The hurting stopped. I have had minimal pain since.
One other thing has improved. My knees. Since the knee replacements my knees didn't hurt as much as they did before, but they were sore at times and I knew where the replacement and the knee joined. I have absolutely no pain in my knees now. I don't know whether it is the B17, the zinc, the DMG, or the Vitamin E I'm taking. Whatever it is, I am so thankful for it.
The best information on this drug, but it's really not a drug but apricot seeds, go to Sandi's blog and read her B17 page. It gives you much more information and a video to watch. It is working for me, and I have energy, lots of energy.
Friday, September 14, 2012
I know I'm not supposed to start a sentence with "finally," but... Finally, I got around to reading A Duke's Promise by Jamie Carie, and I loved it. The is the last of A Forgotten Castle Series and the best.
The Duke and Duchess of St. Easton, Gabriel and Alexandria Ravenwood (they married in the last book) begin their search again for her parents, Ian and Katherine Featherstone, under the guise of a honeymoon in France. Of course they don't stay in France, but take a hot air balloon across the alps.
This was a wonderful story and I give it 5 stars. I loved it and I am now a fan of Jamie Carie. There is so much excitement and intrigue in this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Award-winning writer Jamie Caries concludes her most epic storyline with a wonderful twist in A Duke’s Promise, the final Forgotten Castles novel.
From the Land of Fire and Ice back to England’s shores, Alexandria Featherstone finds herself the new Duchess of St. Easton. Her husband has promised a wedding trip to take them to the place where her imperiled parents were last seen -- Italy and the marble caves of Carrara -- but a powerful Italian duke plots against Alex and her treasure-hunting parents.
Hoping to save them, Alex and Gabriel travel to Italy by balloon. Fraught with danger on all sides and pressured by Gabriel’s affliction to the breaking point, they must learn to work and fight together. The mysterious key is within their grasp, but they have yet to recognize it. This journey will require steadfast faith in God and each other -- a risk that will win them everything they want or lose them everything they have.
The Duke and Duchess of St. Easton, Gabriel and Alexandria Ravenwood (they married in the last book) begin their search again for her parents, Ian and Katherine Featherstone, under the guise of a honeymoon in France. Of course they don't stay in France, but take a hot air balloon across the alps.
This was a wonderful story and I give it 5 stars. I loved it and I am now a fan of Jamie Carie. There is so much excitement and intrigue in this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
From the Land of Fire and Ice back to England’s shores, Alexandria Featherstone finds herself the new Duchess of St. Easton. Her husband has promised a wedding trip to take them to the place where her imperiled parents were last seen -- Italy and the marble caves of Carrara -- but a powerful Italian duke plots against Alex and her treasure-hunting parents.
Hoping to save them, Alex and Gabriel travel to Italy by balloon. Fraught with danger on all sides and pressured by Gabriel’s affliction to the breaking point, they must learn to work and fight together. The mysterious key is within their grasp, but they have yet to recognize it. This journey will require steadfast faith in God and each other -- a risk that will win them everything they want or lose them everything they have.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Yes, it is good to be home especially when the surgery went well. Our son-in-law was feeling well yesterday, and we headed home a little after noon. His doctor is talking to him now, I assume, because neither he or my daughter will answer their phones.
Before we left, I finished The Victory Club, by Robin Lee Hatcher. It was a good story about four ladies working at a military base during World War II. There were stories about each woman and her connection with the war. One had a son, one had a sweetheart, one had a husband, and one had no one. Pen, the one with no one was a little selfish. Her husband had fallen and hurt his back. He could not enter the military nor work. It taught us how our lives can change even during distress.
My only problem with the Kindle version was the spelling errors. I can overlook one or two, but several and trying to decide what the correct word was threw me off several times. I can't say too much because I have a book coming out soon and you may find several errors in it.
As far as the book goes, I'd give it a 5 star, but with the spelling, I'd have to give it a 4 star overall. Here's the cover and the blurb.
In times of war, sometimes victory seems like an impossible dream …
In 1943, the women of America banded together to make a life for themselves while their husbands and sons fought overseas. Evan as the men engaged in war, these women faced battles of their own on the homefront.
Margo King: A woman whose past threatens to control her future.
Dottie King: one passionate mistake could destroy her dreams.
Lucy Andersen: Lonely and afraid, she turns to another while her husband is away.
Penny Maxfield: Desperate for a new life, nothing – not even her family – can hold her back.
Margo, Dottie, Lucy, and Penny never expected to face the hardships they must now find a way to conquer. But through the power of Christ, and the power of friendship, perhaps this Victory Club will achieve more than any of them could ever have imagined.
Before we left, I finished The Victory Club, by Robin Lee Hatcher. It was a good story about four ladies working at a military base during World War II. There were stories about each woman and her connection with the war. One had a son, one had a sweetheart, one had a husband, and one had no one. Pen, the one with no one was a little selfish. Her husband had fallen and hurt his back. He could not enter the military nor work. It taught us how our lives can change even during distress.
My only problem with the Kindle version was the spelling errors. I can overlook one or two, but several and trying to decide what the correct word was threw me off several times. I can't say too much because I have a book coming out soon and you may find several errors in it.
As far as the book goes, I'd give it a 5 star, but with the spelling, I'd have to give it a 4 star overall. Here's the cover and the blurb.
In times of war, sometimes victory seems like an impossible dream …
In 1943, the women of America banded together to make a life for themselves while their husbands and sons fought overseas. Evan as the men engaged in war, these women faced battles of their own on the homefront.
Margo King: A woman whose past threatens to control her future.
Dottie King: one passionate mistake could destroy her dreams.
Lucy Andersen: Lonely and afraid, she turns to another while her husband is away.
Penny Maxfield: Desperate for a new life, nothing – not even her family – can hold her back.
Margo, Dottie, Lucy, and Penny never expected to face the hardships they must now find a way to conquer. But through the power of Christ, and the power of friendship, perhaps this Victory Club will achieve more than any of them could ever have imagined.
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