Friday, May 21, 2010

Writing Experience

Every writer has their own writing experience. Mine has been entering contests. It's a good way for a new writer to see how they are progressing. It can be very discouraging to receive a low score, but the comments should help you to be a stronger writer.

This year I entered two manuscripts in the Genesis contest. One was Women's Fiction and it was the first book I had ever written. It showed, too. The score was low, but I did get information on how to improve my writing. I have a very bad habit of rushing through something and then it isn't the best I can do. That's what I did with this book.

I love the book and I've written it two ways. It tells of the mistakes that a young person can make in their life and then how they can live with the mistakes and correct them as best as they can. It's very modern day.

Again this year, I entered Callie's Mountain. So far I don't have the scores, but I am waiting, not too patiently. Most contest entrants are eager to know their scores. It's been a week since I received the Women Fiction's scores and I thought I would receive the other scores by now.

One thing I have noticed lately about my writing. It is easier! Maybe all these things that I have read and Sandi has told me are finally sinking through this thick skull. Things come to me easier and I can see mistakes better. I know the more you do something, the better you become. Practice is the key.

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