Thursday, February 26, 2009

Writing Deeper

I missed writing yesterday, but I did have a good reason. I was doing corrections on my first six chapters.

The first chapter is beautiful, if I say so myself. Suggestions from my editor were taken and wonderful corrections were made. It is coming to life and bringing the people with it. 

I worked all day yesterday correcting and adding to my story. It was almost midnight when I finished and zapped it to be edited. There was so much to bring out. I have dug deeper in my story than I had ever thought I would. Emotions are so hard for me to explain, but I am doing better. Last night I had to describe a fist fight and that was hard since I had never been in one. I did get through it and the scene was so much better.

I have one more thing to do before I start back again. I missed one part of loading a mussel loader, so I need to correct it. There will be someone out there who will correct me if I don't.

Learning about how things were done on the frontier has been interesting. It makes me thankful for our conveniences today. I would hate to have to cook in a fireplace. I remember cooking on my mother-in-law's wood cook stove. It was hot and the fireplace would have been hotter. You would be constantly turning skillets and pans to cook on both sides. I can boil water pretty fast today, but it would have taken a lot longer to do it in a fireplace.

I did take my husband to the emergency room Tuesday and there are no broken bones in his toe. He is off work for a while. It looks horrible. It's time to change the bandage and get busy. Have a wonderful day.

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