Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

This year ends with no regrets. 2009 was a blast for us. The highlights would have to be our trip to Scotland and our almost move to Kentucky. We are almost in Kentucky, but not permanently. Still waiting for our house to sell.

2010 starts with surgery for my husband and probably surgery for me. We decided when we reach 65, we started falling apart. He has cataract surgery Monday, January 4 and again January 18. I have an appointment to see about mine on the 12th.

My goals for 2010 are:
1. Be a better Christian.
2. Spend more time with family.
3. Work harder on my writing.
4. Try harder to get a contract on my book and an agent to represent me.
5. Improve our new house some.

Our prayers are for our family, friends and those in the military. We pray the war will end soon with a minimum of blood shed. We also pray for our leaders that they will lead in the way God wants them to.

Right now I am almost finished doing my edit of my manuscript. When it is finished, I will continue on the second book. I would also like to write some non-fiction, but we'll see about that. I hope to finish my third book in the East Tennessee series this year. I have another book rolling around in my head when those are finished. I pray my writing improves and a contract will be in the future.

Tonight, we are going to church and sing the old year out and the new year in. I enjoy this part of the New Year. You can watch the ball drop, but I want to be with my Christian brothers and sisters. Have a Happy New year! I'll see you sometime in 2010.

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