Friday, July 13, 2012


Today almost everyone has an ereader of some kind. I have a Kindle. My daughter has a Nook, but she gets Kindle downloads on her iPhone. If you have an iPad, you can do the same. Digital reading is everywhere. We still have hardback and paperback books, but if you get used to a ereader, it's hard to read a real book.

One of my author friends wrote me the other day and told me about Amazon ebooks. She kept saying, "We have to do this." We talked for over an hour on Skype. I've talked to another author who is doing this and making money! She is doing very little marketing because she has cancer and is not able to do much, but she is selling books.

I've been told by publishing houses, "We're only taking three new authors this year/" Where does that put you and me? So, I've been thinking, if I have a minimum chance of being published, why bother? I can start my own company, do my own marketing, print ebooks and paperbacks, sell in bookstores and online, sell in the US and Europe, and still make money. If I can do all that, why bother? I can also write the length I want, and I can put what I want in it. It will be Christian, no erotica.

So, I've got it all mapped out. If you are interested, send me your email and I'll talk to you more.

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