Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We all need a Play Day, and I had one yesterday. My youngest granddaughter, Josie, spent the night Sunday night, and we made doll clothes yesterday. I decided no computer. Nothing, but time with Josie.

We picked out our material Sunday night, and the pattern. Granddaddy got donuts at this wonderful little donut shop on Monday morning. They make the biggest donuts ever. Then we started cutting and sewing. I thought it was a good way to teach her to sew.

Josie did a lot of the cutting, and I started sewing. Those doll clothes are as hard to sew as an adult dress, and take about as long. I'm going to make a pillowcase dress for her doll today, if I feel like it after grocery shopping. It's so easy to make. I have several colors of ribbons I can run through the top and make pretty bows on the shoulders.

We need groceries. Our cupboards are bare.

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