Friday, October 30, 2009

The Sun Shines Today

The sun is shining and all's right with the world. I remember my mother saying that so many times. That's a pretty true statement today. Right this minute, the sun is shining and last night was such a good night.

Yesterday I sent a proposal to an author who had requested it. I didn't know whether she would even look at it or not, but she did. Not only did she look at it, but she called her editor, and acquisition editor for a major publisher, and told her about it. The she wrote me to send the proposal to the editor.

I came running through the house to tell my husband. He was on the phone with our minister, but I almost yelled, "I have to send it to her publisher." Everyone got into the act and they were happy for me.

This has motivated me to get more done. This morning I will be writing and this afternoon I will be packing. So much to do and such little time to do it in. I am still walking on cloud 9. I slept well, except for the couple times I woke up and realized what I had to do.

My proposals are in the hands of two major publishers. I am so happy.

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