Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another This and That

Last night I received the last edit from my friend, Sandi Rog. Sandi has done a fantastic job editing my book. I can't wait to start the corrections today, but other things are in the way this morning.

Another thing I found out a few minutes ago is that my daughter, who is in her forties, broke her leg. She has been at church camp and tried to swing on a rope. I told her she was too old to do that and please act her age. She'll be home tomorrow and will see an orthopedic surgeon. I hope surgery does not have to be done. I can stay with her over the week-end, but I have to be home on Tuesday.

Tuesday I go to see my orthopedic surgeon and hopefully set a time for surgery on my knees. These shots did not help any. I am still in pain and can't sit or stand for very long. This is getting on my nerves. I have had pain for ten years and it has gotten so much worse in the last few months. It is almost unbearable.

My husband is making salsa. I am the inspector. We're going to can this instead of freeze it. Got to get it done before the outside temperature gets to 100 degrees.

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