Friday, August 20, 2010


I love Friday's. It means Saturday is next and then Sunday. I love Sunday because I get to meet with my church family and worship God. It is the best day of the week.

It is a mystery to me how people can go week in and week out and never think about God and all the blessings He has given us. I can't even begin to count all the things He has done for me. There are so many.

My writing falls in that category. Since I began writing, I have met so many wonderful, helpful people. So many published and unpublished writers have taken me under their wing and helped me along the process. Yes, there is a process. I feel blessed each time I think about them.

My synopsis, first, middle and last chapters are with an editor. She will give me a price in a few days and I will see if I can afford her. Right now I am reminded of a song a cousin of mine wrote. It was recorded and did pretty well on the charts, "If The Devil Danced In Empty Pockets, He'd Have A Ball In Mine." That's about how I feel sometimes. Yes, it can be expensive to write. That is one reason why I want to be published, to pay back my husband all the money I have borrowed from him and our budget.

The urge I have to write is very strong. There is so much injustice in this world and there has been for years. I write for the under dog. The person who is downtrodden because of his place in the universe. The people who are not understood by most. I want to show that prejudice is not something we all have. I want to show we can love all people as themselves, not what they look like.

If I can make a small contribution to someone's life, I am blessed. I want to see more smiles. I love to see the Lord living in all of us. He has been so good to me and I pray that my writing is a sweet fragrance to Him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Katt. I appreciate the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. Sorry you've had a hospital in your life lately. God bless you.
